poorly again :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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I had protein in my urine at my MW check on monday and she sent off a sample to check for infection. Gradually through this week Ive been starting to feel vaguely rotten and last night I said to OH "bet I wake up with a cold tomorrow morning I feel so rough".

Well I didnt wake up to a cold, but to eye tearing abdo pain :( Its really sharp pain exactly where i think my bladder is and it feels like someones shoved a needle up my urethra! Ouch! I rang the antenatal ward who said that because I had a urine infection a few weeks ago its prob that and I should ring my GP when they open cos they'll prob have my urine test results.

Well they're supposed to open at 8 and I start work at 8.45 so I thought I could get it all done and dusted but the bloomin answerphone is still on at the GP, repeatedly telling me that they open at 8am. :mad:

Im thinking about phoning in sick, Ive got a headache too. Ive never phoned in sick to this job before though and Im not sure what number to ring :roll:

meahhhhhhhhh this is so annoying.
I'd phone in sick if I was you! x x I hope it gets better for you x
easier said than done, aparently eveyone in management arents answering their phones. Ive spoken to 2 of my collegues but our service is so scattered in different locations that I have no idea where anyone is. Still Ive left answerphone messages and Im not going in end off. With all that going on Ive had a nightmare getting through to the GP, you know what its like as soon as the lines open its engaged for half an hour and when you finally get through all the appointments are gone. I got myself into a total panic now. I explained what was going on and she said she'd arrange for someone to ring me back, took all my details then right before hanging up said hopefully someone will get back before 12.30!! FFS Im having pains, why wont anyone see me?!

I just rang OH in tears and he asked for GPs number, he's about to ring them and give them hell! I feel better already just for hearing him say "dont panic love Ill sort it" :)
:) Ive got an appointment at 11. I love that man :love:
Bless your OH. I love it when they get all manly and protective. Really hope you're feeling better soon and good for you taking day off.
Aw that is so great of your OH! x x I hate doctors surgeries! My sister had laryngitis, didn't know that at the time, and her doctors receptionist was like, you can have an appointment in a week! A week!!!!! x If she could of she'd of gone mad! x How did it go at doctors? x
A week? Thats terrible! Doctor was really good, sent off another sample. There was protien in it again today but only a trace. He checked my blood pressure and checked there was no tenderness. He mentioned the location of my pain would make him think of appendix but I would be a lot more ill if that were the case.

So Ive been sent home, to go to hospital if I experience, swelling, more severe pain, or bleeding. And then waiting til monday for the results of todays sample. I feel like a bit of a tit now. I thought he'd know what it was. hmph.
When I had appendicitis I managed to be a bridesmaid for my sister and go to a meal afterwards before finally going to a and e at 10 pm where I promptly vomited everywhere! I had been having vague stabbing pains all day but pit it down to doing too much at wedding and pulling a muscle!! I'm an idiot! x x Dont feel silly, always better to be safe than sorry x x
:shock: good grief you did well to last that long! Im definately not gonna hesitiate to go to the hospital if it gets worse but so far, it seems to have gone. Its on and off stabbing pain though so its hard to say whether its gone or not!:wall2:
Awwww no Tiny! Bless ya! Hope you feel better soon :-) Xx
Hope it's not apendicitis!!! x x Definatly go to hospital if gets worse and relax today, enjoy your day off x
Just caught this thread Tiny, so sorry to hear that you are not well AGAIN, poor you! Its disgusting that it took your OH to ring the surgery to get an appointment isnt it?

Glad you took the day off, dont hesitate to do it again tommorow if you are feeling the same. Hope your feeling lots better soon. Hugs x
I hope you feel better soon Tiny, nice of your GP to be so helpful at your time of need....not! Good on your OH, I wish mine was more the knight in shining armour type!

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