Poor Thea.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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When Thea got up at 7am this morning I changed her nappy and she had had the most disgusting poo. Since then she's had diarrhoea, i've lost count of the amount of nappy changes we've had but for the first time i've had to stop using cloth and switch to disposibles. Mainly because i've used that many i've almost run out of clean ones :(

She's had 6 changes of clothes since 8am and its only 4.25pm!
She's never really had anything like this before. She seems fine in herself, not too fussed about eating but shes managed a banana and some wholewheat toast. She's watching Pepper pig and giving me a cuddle at the moment.

Any advice on how to help her? I know i have to make sure she drinks plenty but is there anything i should do?
I dont think there is much you can do for her other than what you are doing. :(
I hope she is feeling better.
agree with Laura, keep doing what you are doing. check her temp, keep her liquids up. Bless her, hope she feels better soon hun :hug: :hug:
It seemed to be clearing up but its back with vengeance now :(
I called the doctor for some advice and they gave me the name of this tea drink to give her so i've got Richard to go and get some on his way home from work. I cant take her out myself to go get it, there's now way we would make there without a massive nappy blow out!
Sorry Mel, I've just seen this, poor Thea. I've no advice as I really don't have a clue about baby illnesses but cuddles and plenty of breastmilk and water will certainly help her.

Keep us updated and :hug: to you and Thea.

Valentine Xxx
only just seen this, poor little thea! sorry no advice 4 u but hope shes better soon :hug:
I really hope she's feeling much better now, hugs for you both :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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