

Feb 19, 2008
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Hi everyone

Have been lurking for quite some time now so thought it was about time i introduced myself properly. My hubbie and I have been trying for a baby since Feb 2007 and I've had ongoing problems with spotting throughout my cycle since long before that. Never seem to be able to get an explanation for why this is though. Very frustrating!!

Have finally seen the consultant and had an ultrasound which shows polycystic looking ovaries - all my blood tests have been fine though so seems not to be PCOS. Had a HSG today which was all fine so am due to start on Clomid next month (annoyingly was too late to start this month!).

Trying not to get too demoralised but have had two very close friends get pregnant and either give birth or be due imminently so finding it hard not to get frustrated. It's been nice to see how supportive everyone on here is and am looking forward to getting to know you all better.

Hi Loobie :wave: , welcome to the forum. We have been trying since July 2007 and I have had one chemical pregnancy in August and then miscarriage in October 2007. I have problem with irregular periods. My ultrasound didn't show PCOS, but apparently my blood tests show it :x I have had another blood test done last week so hope to get the result back. My consultant wants to put me on a pill..can't remember the name ( not Clomid though). I can't wait for Wednesday to start taking them.. hope my cycle gets back to normal...
Hope you get your BFP soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Loobie

welcome, I can totally understand your frustration, a close friend of mine gave birth a few weeks ago and even though she knows our situation is constantly rubbing it in (not deliberately i'm sure but i still want to smack her sometimes), it was hard enough dealing with her being pregnant but now she as a little baby it makes it even more difficult.

I'm sure our turn will come though so keep holding onto that thought.

Hi everyone

Thanks for your messages - it's always nice to know you aren't the only one. Have finally stopped spotting after my "lovely" :oops: HSG last week so will have to see how it goes and keep everything crossed.

Petra... what is it that you will be taking then?


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