Poem- My baby boy and me


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
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My Baby Boy and Me

Its 3 am they're all asleep
And no one's here to see
As we rock slowly back and forth
My Baby Boy and Me.

His little head is feather light
tucked up against my chin
I hold his tiny hand in mine
and stroke his baby skin.

The house about us creaks and groans
the clock hands creep around
He snuggles closer to me still
and makes his baby sounds.

I love these quiet hours so much
and cherish every one
store memories up inside my heart
for lonely nights to come.

All too soon he'll be grown up
his need for Mama gone
but until then I still have time
for kisses and for song.

Time for quiet hours like this
with him cuddled in my arms
where I wish he'd always stay
protected safe and warm.

And yet I know the day will come
when this tiny little hand
will be much bigger than my own
he'll grow to be a man.

But until then he's mine to love
with no one here to see
as we rock slowly back and forth
my baby boy and me.

how lovely is that? just had to share it

its made me cry and im all emotional now seen as bayleys 1 in 3 days

luv braiana xxx
wwww that's so beautiful :D Reminds me of the times I sat with Damien at 3am downstairs holding him upright for half hour after his feeds, used to just sit and look at him, such a beautiful little thing. Brought tears to my eyes that poem did :)
ah that totally captures how it feels, brought back lovely memories.

alex rarely sleeps on me now but i love it when he does. just the feel of his warm little body, the smell of him and those heartbreaking deep sighs of contentment. he is so independant now he is crawling that i relish the chance to snuggle him up! :oops:

Awww Em, those little sighs, how sweet are they. Stop making me soppy you lot, got pregnancy hormones not helping here! :lol:
its me that needs to worry about going all mushy - not planning on having another for a while yet so cant afford to go gooey over babies!

i shall have to start avoiding the new arrivals page if i start to get broody too soon!

Thats beautiful hun. Make sure you treasure it as it would be a lovely thing to give him one day :hug:
Ok Bubble that is just the sort of thing that makes me broody!!!

No really, i can't remember the last time Jack fell asleep on me, and i used to love our time in the early hours of the morning, i miss that so much now i think about it.

I'm lucky if he will sit with me for 30 secs at minute LOL
My friend had a boy last year, she was alone after her partner dumped her once she announced she was PG, and I gave her this poem when Harry was born, she loved it so much and has it framed

Its beautiful xx
ooooo ill print it and frame it can be 1 of his bday prezzies lol
That's just made me cry! I'm going to print it off and put it in a frame for when we move and can finally give Charlie his nursery.
lol i didnt mean to make evri1 cry and go all broody
Think i will print it out too. that lovely brought a tear to my eye.
Ewan still sits on me - usually trying to shove a book in my eye!

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