plugged ducts :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2014
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I seem to get a plugged duct every time my baby drops a feed. He has recently dropped his feed after his.morning nap so he now doesn't feed off me.between 7am and 2/3pm. Every time he drops a feed I seem to get a plugged duct.

Its also always the side I carry him on. Unused to carry him forward facing so he rested his back on my right breast which was the one that used to get nipple blebs, plugged ducts and vasospasms. Now he's heavier I carry him on my left hip and I now have a nipple bleb forming and a huge plugged duct that's been painful for the last couple of days so I'm probably gonna get mastitis again but I just cant shift this one.

Am I doing something that's making me more susceptible to these problems? Is there a way I can prevent them in future?

Thanks for reading.
Hi. How old is he?

Make sure your bras fit well and are big enough, you need to avoid wire or seems pressing against your breast tissue.

Warm flannels can help, and hand expressing in the shower to remove excess milk.

If he has suddenly started feeding less that could be the reason, you may be best offering the breast around mid morning or lunch time. If feeds are reduced gradually you shouldn't suffer with blocked ducts. Or you could try expressing a little bit and then give him it in a cup with his lunch or dinner (if he is weaned?)
Another thing you can try is experimenting with different nursing positions, like rugby ball hold, this can help him to drain the blockages for you next time he feeds.
I have a blocked duct on one of my boobs. And like you until my boobs get the message after little one had dropped a fed it can be painful. I had it with my son as well in the same place so I'm at assuming it's just my boob! I find warm water in the shower, rubbing it when baby is feeding seems to help.
Thanks for the replies :)

I have managed to relieve it today. I read a new tip on kellymom to wet a nappy with hot water and hold it over your breadt as it stays warm for longer then I scratched the bleb off and expressed. Its still a little tender to touch but way way better so probs just a bit bruised.

I wear cloth bras with no under wire but they're probably not the right size as I never got.measured. I wore a nightie all day today though so I didn't have one on today. Thanks for the tips.

I think my breasts are just slow to get the message. He refuses to feed now between waking up until after his second nap and wants solids.

I could never get the hang of rugby ball. He's 9 months old and weaning at his own pace.

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