Sticky eye


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Ryan did and still gets hard gunk after a long nights sleep. Nowhere near as bad as before though. They said possible blocked tear duct but he never had drops or anything and I was never told to massage his eye, I just cleaned it if it was gunky.

Nat's Jake had a gunky eye too which took a while to clear.. can't remember how long tho - think that was a blocked duct, I think... :think: sorry Nat I've forgotton :( :oops:
my MW said breastmilk, just a drop or two once a day... seemed to work for Tim, but it took a few days tho
I got a cream thing for his eye and it cleared up the right sticky gooey stuff....he still gets what I call sleepy men and i just clean that with cooled boiled water. My doc said it's really common when they have a touch of the cold. Hope it clears up soon xx
My Jude had a bad sticky eye on and off for the first few months. It could get pretty bad. Doc gave us drops which did work but were a nightmare to get in. When he was a few months old he'd shut both eyes tight when he saw the drops come out! A different doc suggested a tiny drop of baby shampoo well diluted with cooled boiled water, just sweep across lid with cotton wool as you would normally when getting the gunk out. Strange as it sounds that really seemed to work. Hope babe's eye gets better soon :)
first of all im not sayin urs is what mine was- but melissa had sticky eyes from 1 week old. she went thru several drops and ointments none of which worked. i kept naggin the docs like a right neurotic mummy but im glad i did, coz they took swabs and the results showed it was chlamydia, which she'd caught from me (i didnt kno i had it). luckily myself, melissa and my boyf were all on antibiotics and since then her eyes are bright and sparkley. like i said it might not be that in ur case but the moral is 2 keep naggin the docs if it dont clear up, demand swabs! sticky eyes are so common in babies that the docs didnt seem concerned so if U are concerned u hav 2 nag them! im glad i did now even tho i felt silly at the time for worrying. hope it clears up soon :hug:
Yes, Michelle is right. It was a blocked tear duct. It cleared up at about 3 months :)
Mia had went and now its come back again :(

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