
Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2008
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ok, so i just went to get my son after his sleep and he now has a rash, he's perfectly happy within himself, and has a temp of 38 but doesnt seem ill, what can i give him to make it go away he's already on other meds for epilepsy so i have to be careful what i give him. He's never ill, does anyone know what it could be?
if i put in this pic does it help?
just try and get some fluids in him to bring down temp i think and like midna says ring nhs direct.
id try not to worry could just be a heat rash but like the others have said just give nhs direct a call for piece of mind.
he's a bugger for fluids anyway, never stops drinking lol, he can have up to 7 sippy cups of juice in a day. i'll just try pushing more down him, thanks.

also i tried ringing NHS and there was no answer grrrr idiots, 24/7 my arse
hope he's ok. he's very cute! i assume u done the glass test. i'd take him to docs when u can just to be safe :hug:
i know, appauling isnt it!

first time it rung for ages, then second time it was just beeping as though it was engaed or on hold, i thought maybe we were on hold, which is fair enough on a saturday noght if people are drunk etc, but after 4 minutes we put it down. Got through about 9 ish and they said it could just be a heat rash or allergy to something, to strip him, bathe him and put him to bed as per usual without any covers though and let him sleep it off. When we give him his milk at 2 check him and ring back if its still there or worse. We have an appointment tomorrow morning with an on call doctor at a nearby health centre just in case though

yup, glass test cleared everything :) my younger brother had meningitis so i know what it looks like anyways, its more purple, this is just bright red!
glad u got through in the end, stupid nhs :shock:

hope hes feeling better by morning, let us know x
well it's 4:21am lol, im falling asleep as i type, and my boy is NOW ill lol. he woke about 11 and hasnt slept since. he's just whinging and wanting to be held a lot, and then he gets hot or falls sleep so i put him down and he screams, and i mean SCREAMS lol. he seems ok otherwise. i'm going to give him another bath in a bit i think to see if he settles, he loves splashing about so it might settle him, i'll know then whether he's actually ill or not if he stil enjoys it. I wish my partner was here thats all. the one weekend he goes away :roll: anyways, thanks everyone x
ok, well i'm up with him now, he's not sleeping and is wide awake! grrr lol. we'll see how long the pair of us last with the little sleep we've had. he slept for a while earlier, maybe i should have done the same lol, but he's been up most of the night, he had a bath and slept about an hour before screaming, so i got an hour. im shattered, just glad he's got an appointment later today! i'll let you know how it goes
Awww poor little thing! :hug: Poor you too! :hug: Let us know how it goes with the doctor!
i want sleep lol, stuff him hahah, i can guarentee he'll sleep straight throught the appointment ah well
i hope all checks out ok and you get some sleep later on :hug: :hug:
i got a delighful convo with Docs
Evil or Very Mad
Me [to receptionist]: Jerome James Doctor Priteshi
Dr: [turning round behind her] yes?
Me: Jerome james, Romi, we rang last night, he has this rash.
Dr: where is his mother?
Me: [getting peed off] I AM his mother [sitting down]
Dr: [grumbling and staring me up and down] i see
Me: his rash...
Dr: what about it
me: what is it
Dr: you just said yourself it's a rash
Me: [totally peed off but stil calm] yes, but what sort, he doesnt have a temperature, he was ok last night he...
dr: [cutting me off] he seems fine to me
Me: [taking Romi's top off] does that look fine to you [showing his rash]
Dr: well it's no wonder he gets ill if you rip items of clothing his for no reason like you just did.
Me: i did it so you could see
Dr: my glasses help me see child
Me: im not a child thank you very much, i just wanted to know what this rash is
Dr: its a rash
Me: can you make it go away
Dr: i could if i could see it, can you remove his top please
Me: but i just...[shutting up and doing it]
Dr: [staring closely] it's a rash, yes.
Me: and?...
Dr: take him home watch his temperature, give him calpol if it increases...i take it your mother does have calpol at home?
Me: me and his dad do yes
Dr: and how old is this father figure
Me: 21, sorry what does this matter [standing up after putting Romes t-shirt back on]
Dr: well it certainly matters when children of your age bring other children into the world and let others bring them up, I can see your about to be doing it again in the distant future [nodding at me tight :oops: top]. What did your mother say about the rash?
Me: she hasnt seen it
Dr: lord give me strength, take him home and get someone to look after him if he gets any worse.
Me: thanks very much for all your help [sarcastically] i shall be using another doctors next time.

grrr :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: pisses me RIGHT off, wanker
Omfg dont you dare let the fucking wanker talk to you like that, complain to the medical board and put down what was in the convo above, that is shocking!

My son had asimillar rash last year that turned out to be viral, nothing serious but he was poorly for a week and needed nuerofen and calpol.

Hope little one is ok though and please complain, people like that shouldnt be doctors.
:shock: OMFG that is absolutely shocking i would definately report her i would have been seething if that doctyor talked to me that way :x :evil:

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