
Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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I am due to be induced on the 17th ..I would like to know how does it feel like?? Dr told me she will put gel ..does it hurt just to insert it??? I am petrefied and I need to be relaxed please tell me what to expect...I am also thinking if things were very bad to take an epidural...but would like to experience the pain a bit..what scares me is the insertion of the gel it seems to me its gonna burn alot .. does it??? please help. :cry:
Thats early for an induction. You won't even be overdue! Unusual to be induced unless overdue by a fair bit or if there is a problem. Hopefully if there is a medical reason you are being induced early its nothing too serious. Good luck :)

If the gel does not do the job then they may use something else to get things going. It can depend on how ready your body is to go into labour.

I've read many accounts of induction using gel and drip and tbh often it seems to be that labour contractions kick in and are more intense and painful than if you build up to them going into labour naturally. Natural labour means your body has time to prepare and you build up to the bigger contractions over time and also get a bit of a pain tolerance going on. Induction can often lead to needing/wanting strong pain relief earlier due to this. But then some women do it without :) Means you will be on the bed and unable to move off it then if you opt for it. Be aware that epidurals don't always work fully or at all in some cases. This is not a common thing but it does happen. I've read womens birth stories where they say the Doctor tried a few times but could not get it to work or it only worked on one side or some such. Usually its fine and does the job, but be aware that on occasion it does not and you won't have many more options of strong pain relief then.

Try to relax about it all and hopefully it will aid your labour. Being relaxed makes all the difference. Working with the contractions and breathing thorugh them. I didn't have any strong pain relief for my labour and it really wansn't so bad :) Gas & air, TENS machine and birthpool were great for me. Maybe consider some of those for pain relief also before an epi if you need/want them? Although if induced I am not sure you can go in a birth pool. If you have an epi you definately cannot. I'm sure you'll be fine anyways. Keep positive and don't clench your fists, keep palms open during contractions, it helps keep you relaxed. Also keeping mobile and moving helps lots.

Good luck :)
i was induced last monday and like you i was petrified

everyones experience is different but mine was fine

i had the pessary tab, didnt hurt at all going in, not even as bad as a sweep

i had the tab at 8pm and even though i didnt know it i was in labour at about 9.30pm! i went 9cm with just 2 paracetamol as they thought they were prostin pains from the tab but it was infact labour and my baby girl was born at 4.23am
Thanks for the replies gierls.
BeckJ I did read ur experience i wish mine will be similar any waysss. im being induced tomorrow i feel like im gonna die :rotfl:
good luck for tomorrow hope everything go's well
looks like your going to win the race :)
thanks warrior princess.. u never know any of u could pop sooner. :hug:
I was induced at 38 weeks. I didn't find it painful. I had a relatively easy and fast birth too! :D Good luck hun x

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