Please tell me what your ovulation pains feel like?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi all, just trying to pinpoint whether my pains last week could have been ovulation pains. Never had them before so not sure what to look for.

Does anyone think ovulation pains could feel like af-type pains?
My ovulation pains are always sharp pains where my ovaries are, and feel different to AF pains. But that's only mine - we could all be different!
I was in agony yesterday afternoon. A very sharp pain in my left hand side, just above the hip bone. It's a few days early, but I think that I was ovulating.
Exactly where mine is - unless it's on the right lol. I sometimes get nausea, fatigue and dizziness at the same time as well - one time I nearly passed out in the street with it.
Sharp stabbing pains where my ovarys are. Make me almost spew when it's on right en cos it hurts that much.
thanks for your replies everyone.
So they're not dull af-type crampy pains then? That's all I needed to know.
That kind of rules out ovulation as a possible cause for my pains last week then. Never mind, just a thought!xxxxxxxxx
Not necassarily as mine are dull achy pains, like im about to come on, and I sometimes get sore tender boobs too, oh and I always feel the urge to BD more if you know what I mean!

any news???

I don't think i've ever noticed ovulation pains before, but then i've not really paid attention before!

Fingers still crossed for you xxx
Hi Chellieboo, no news I'm afraid. Just waiting it out.
I've never really noticed ovulation pains before either, just thought it was a possibility!!
Will let you know if there are any developments.
Take care,
Hi KJ,

My fingers are firmly crossed for you too. How many days is it since your last period now? I know your last cycle was 46 days.

For the record, I've only ever noticed ovulation pains a couple of times, and they are stabbing pains for me around the vicinity of one ovary or the other - and don't last long.

Hope that helps.

Valentine xxx
Hi Valentine,
thanks for checking up. Not sure where my diary is but off the top of my head I think I'm on CD42 (you can tell I've kind of given up because I no longer have it on the tip of my tongue!!). Had af type pains tues and wed but they've gone again (what is my body doing!!).
Will visit the Dr if I get past CD46, if nothing else, just to find out what the pains I am experiencing could be. I don't want to be naive to another condition just because i'm concentrating on TTC.
Hope all is well with you, must be so cool to think there's a little person growing inside you!!xxxxx
I only ever felt ovulation pains before i had kids so its been a while but they used to be like a dull ache in one side or the other. Always just in a small area.

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