Jun 3, 2005
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Hi, my name is Autumn. I am 20 yrs old and in feb. i had an ectopic pregnancy. Looking back the only symptoms i remember are feeling car sick when i would drive with my bf, very very tired. at the end of feb, beginning of march i started the patch. i didn't like the side effects of the patch so after i took the patch off for my period on march 21 i never put it back on. then on april 1 i had break through bleeding which was heavy and lasted a few days. all of april i had pregnancy symptoms and all the test were negative. then on april 30 i started what i thought was my period. it was really light and on and off for about 4 days. nothing like my normal periods which are medium to heavy and last about 6-7 days. i figure my cycle is about 30 days long but i have no clue. i am about 4 days late. i took a test yesterday but it was negative. i have a doctors appointment june 6 for an ultraound. my symptoms for the past two months have been: Nausead all day, tired, fatigued, dizzy, lite cramping in lower abdominal area mostly on right side, leg/calf cramps, hungry... ice cream which i hate and salty foods, headaches, nipples are sore, boobs feel heavy a little sore, pee alot, bloated all the time. i have had this discharge its like a lotion texture and very wet. yeterday it left my underwear soaked. i am sure there are more. what do you ladies think? all test are negative. but why am i feeling this way? what else could all this mean? PLEASE HELP. [/b]
hi there

it does ound very much like pregnancy symptoms, i took a while to show up on tests when i was pregnant with my daughter and son so maybe you will be the same.

i recomend you do a cheap HPT, they worked great for me even when all teh others like clear blue and first responce were saying no!

other than that, your scan and the docs should be able to find out for you

good luck with it all, keep us posted

i have take all cheap test and kaiser urine test on may 18 whick was to soon. i feel like i am going to get sick. i think i wasnt preggo in april but i think i might have got pregnant in may. i use no protection and my bf and i had alot of sex around o- day. but i can't seem to get a postive test. ho long did it take you to show positive?
first two pregnancies it took between 6 and 8 weeks for me to show up, but this time round it showed up at 4 weeks

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