Please please advise


Mar 10, 2005
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Hi there, i stopped taking the pill in December and got my period on 2nd January, i then had unprotected sex on the 18th but took the morning after pill. i got a period then again on the 23rd of January and i started the pill again on that day but i only took it for 7 days and got some spotting on the 8th day. No matter what my periods are always on time no matter what. But i was having sex up until the 2nd march and my period still hasnt come yet. I always have a pain in my lower back the day before but i have been having this pain and cramps for the past two weeks and keep running to the bathroom to check for af but to no avail. I have heavy discharge, really bad dreams and feeling a bit sick and cant stop eating. I did a preg test today and yesterday and both were negative. Please advise
Just had a positive test result . dont know whether im happy or not. Are there any single mothers out there, if so how did you cope as im terrified that i wont be able to handle it.
Hiya wel first congratulations, im 18 in full time work living at home and was planing to go back to coleg in september, i found out a few weeks ago i was pregnant it was not pland at all and after worrying loads i relised a baby is such a miricul and it doesnt mater what your cercumstaces are as long as you love your baby dont let ANYTHING make you think other wise. One good, loving parent is better that 10 crap ones!!
Hope i helped a little bit.
All the best.
Cadoline xx
Thanks for the reply caroline, it was just what i needed to hear. Although i am still terrified of whats ahead of me.
Hi Cadoline -

Is your baby's daddy not around to help you!?

Love Twink.
hiya twinkle
no he's not around and to make things worse he wont give me any money toward the baby or give me my baby things i was storing at his house back. This wasnt a planned pregnancy i was on the pill but now that it has hapned i will do everything to make this baby have a good future.

what about you?

luv Cadoline xx
Edel -

I understand exactly how you feel. I'm currently 16 weeks pg with my first, but I remember finding out like it was a second ago. It's absolutely terrifying when you get the positive result - I just felt totally numb for about 3 or 4 wks after. My bf and I had been having unprotected sex for quite a while, knowing what it could lead to but not really thinking about it. In truth, I kinda wanted to get pg, and he sort of wanted it too - but then it happened. The reality is so different to anything anyone can imagine unless they've been there. Now, I've come to terms with it, and I'm even excited about being a mum; the first bit of pg is tough, what with the sickness etc, but that soon passes and you'll find yourself feeling gradually more and more attached to the little life inside you. At first, it hit me that I couldn't follow through with any of my plans for me i.e going back to uni this year, but believe me, when you see your baby at the scan for the first time or hear it's heartbeat, it changes:)

Good luck to you, let me know how you're getting on as we all need someone to talk to during pregnancy - it's a rollercoaster ride!

Esh (16 wks tomorrow)
I'm so sorry to hear that.

I hope you don't mind me asking but was it his decision to leave? My baby's daddy wants nothing to do with me or the baby. When i told him he told me to get rid of it, obviously i said NO WAY!!
Men can be so nasty at times, they think of nothing but themselves and how it may change their lives, not wanting the responsibilty of a child for the rest of their lives.
Has your ex (?) said that he won't contribute when the baby is here?
:x men make me so mad!
Hope you are okay!


Hi there, thanks for the reply, im kinda getting used to the idea of being on my own, my parents dont know yet and im so not looking forward to telling them. Thankfully i havnt had any morning sickness and im not off any foods but il only be 8wks on the 30.Apr so its probably still ahead of me.. Fingers crossed that i wont be sick. My ex wanted me to get rid of the baby but i just couldnt do it. So i havnt heard from him since i told him. We were together 3yrs so its hard enough getting used to being without him never mind getting used to being pg. I just hope this doesnt get nasty between us. I cant wait until i get to the feeling where im actually excited about this.

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