Please! I really need your help!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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OK, I've suffered with depression for a long time as most of you know, and I thought I was over it... But I've just been layed here thinking and an overwhelming urge to hurt myself came over me aagain... This hasnt happened in such a long time! I did what I useed to to take my mind off it and made myself active (had a drink and some toastr, played sudoku to keep my mind active) but the feeling didnt pass only got worse... Now I just feel like I want to die :( I'm so ashamed cause I dont want to hurt my little girl but I dont want to be here... I just want her out so I can get this over with

please any advidce? x
oh hun :hug: xx

I don't know what to say, but im sending lots and lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: xx

Maybe try looking online at nice baby things or if you've got some baby stuff already go through it and try to keep yourself busy again xxx

Will be thinking of you xx
:hug: I don't know what to say hun, but look at your scans, feeling your baby kick, your her mama and she needs you here and healthy :hug: :hug: Looking at the baby things is also a fab idea, what about treating yourself? Browse online for something you would like :hug: Sorry I'm not much help, if I was closer it would be easier x
What about calling something like the Samaritans? They are trained aren't they?

Then get yourself to the docs tomorrow.

Stay positive. Think of your baby. She needs a happy healthy mummy. You're all she has got.

Go watch the Human Body on iplayer and be reminded how amazing you are. It made me feel great watching that and I'm not preggers! Xxx
I hope you're feeling better this morning! Do you think this has been triggered by your appointment yesterday? I read your other thread.
I agree with Gem that you should go and see your doctor. It's really important to look after your mental health especially when your pregnant. Remember you've felt like this before and gotten through it and you can again, you have a huge incentive to het through it this time. As they say this too shall pass!
And I know it feels awful right now, have been there more times than I can remember.
Please take care!
Didn't do too well last night... I know I shouldn't have but I took one of my old sleeping tablets so that I could get to sleep and sleep it off... Problem is, woke up feeling much the same :( Have a doctors appointment on Tuesday
Oh hun :hug: :hug: you will get through this. Have you spoken to your oh? If the strategies you used before aren't working are there any others you can think of? Music often helps some people. Pregnancy can do all sorts of things to people, the hormones wreak havoc. This doesn't mean your depression is back like before. Try and stay positive, we are here for you xxx
TBH OH isn't the most understanding of people when it comes to stuff like this cause of his asperger's... I'm sat in bed with a hot chocolate cuddling one of the kitty cats ATM just trying to not do ANYTHING to wind me up or annoy me in any way to try and keep my mood on a level... I guess I'll just have to wait and see how things go x
Sorry yeah, id forgotten about his aspergers. Hot chocolate and kitty cuddles sounds good to me :) maybe watch a feel good film in bed or something! :hug:
Stupid laptops DVD drive doesn't work but I have a few films on my iPod.... May have to watch them... Hrmm... Twilight methinks x
Oooo I love that! Are you team Edward or team Jacob? X
;-)It's a tough one... But probs gotta be Jacob... I'm a sucker for his body ;-) he he How about you? x
He he, from the books I'm Edward all the way but the film has to be Jacob too lol! But wouldn't say no to either, or the same time :lol: x
Now you've got me thinking about them and I don't think dh will let me watch it :lol: he hates it!
Yeah defo get some twilight on. That always takes my mind off things. Can't believe your team jacob though, boooooo!

Defo speak to doctor if you keep feeling like this, it's the wisest thing I've done for my anxiety. Xx
My OH hates them too, he watched all of about 5 minutes of the first film before clearing off the play CoD... Men... I only ever get to watch them on my laptop tucked up in bed where he doesn't have to "put up" with it... Tsk

And emma, I will definitely be talking to my GP about it and FX getting my psychiatrist appointment through sooner! I've been being treated with anti-depressants for so long now and have been moved about to different tablets and different doses that my doctor is reluctant to prescribe me anything else without a psychiatric assessment... Thank you for your concern xx
I don't know if you've already looked into it but Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help with anxiety/depression? Does your psychiatrist do any of that?
I've never met them... So I don't know... The last time I saw a psychiatrist was about 4 years ago, have been seeing councillors since but they're not really helping... x
How did u do last night hun? Hope Jacob was good company ;-) x

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