PLease help


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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For the last week Charlotte has been waking at 2-3 ish and having a feed. She is always sleepy and a few nights gone back to sleep but only for half an hour or so then she starts making noises like shes waking up. Basically she is sleepy but kind of grunting a bit and pulling her legs up and moving her body like she is in pain. It seems to me like this is trapped wind and we are trying her on a different formula and bottles but does anyone else have any suggestions.

It is also difficult now to tell if she is actually needing a feed or if its just something else that is waking her.

I am totally exhausted as i am awake frm 2 ish every day as she doesnt settle for the rest of the night. She is quite a windy baby but why would it be this time of night every night that she is in pain?

Sorry I can't help really but wanted to give you this :hug: and say that we put infacol in Jonah's bottles as he too was a windy baby. It seemed to help.

Hopefully it will just pass in a bit :hug:
It sounds like we are having the same problem. Poppy has been like it for quite a while and I wasn't sure whether it was teething, whether she was hungry or whether it was wind. Last night we were up at 12, 2:30 and she was awake again at 4am so I brought her into our bed and was rubbing her belly but she was unable to settle. I've been on the internet this morning trying to find a solution. My next stop is gripe water as it was mentioned on a site. She wakes similar times every night and I can't believe she is still hungry all those times and I do believe that the wind is waking her up and she thinks the milk will settle her but maybe it's making her worse. It's been going on for so long now and I think I'll have a party when I finally have more than 3 hours sleep!!!
hiya, my sister has the samne problem and it is night time colic. Iwas always under the impression that babie screamed with colic, but some just moan and look uncomfortable.

Chloe starts getting uncomfy at around six and brings her legs up and grunts a lot, when she farts she screams out but she doesn't really cry continuously. She looks so uncomfortable it breaks your heart :( the hv said to use infacol brfore each feed (which chloe loves) and other than that there isn't a lot you can do. Just ride it out, it won't last for long.

Sending you loads of huggles, i hope things get bvetter soon :hug: :hug:
have you tried gripe water. we always used to put that in ellies bottle.
what formula u using as i found sma gave ellie bad trapped wind, so we changed to cow and gate.
Huddsgirl - we have just switched from SMA to Cow an Gate Comfort milk. DO you think it would take a few days to make a difference?

thnks for your replies i am really hoping it improves soon :hug:
Hi nikkif :D

We tryed Infacol, Colief in a feed and changed to Aptamil Easy Digest and all together it worked for Daniel :D

But, sometimes, they make nosies when they are dreaming.
yea i would give it a while to get in her system. i assume ur on the 1st step milk ( think its a green one)

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