3mo bedtime routine and feeds


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2011
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Hi girls, my dd is almost 3 months old and for the last month our routine has been:
6pm bare bum time and bath
630 bottle
730 ish bed upstairs in her room, sometimes awake, sometimes sleepy
10 wake her up for feed, tried dream feeding but she stirs, she has between 4 and 6 oz

She then sleeps through unil 730-8 ish when she stirs but doesn't cry for milk so we have more bare bum time then feed about 815 then 1145, 315, 630 etc.

So my question is what are other 3mo bedtimes? I obviously want to stop waking her at 10pm at some point and I know some disagree with waking a sleeping baby but I don't particularly want to do middle of night feed, selfish I know. Should I try to fit in her 5 feeds between say 7 and 8 with her bath later?

I know her routine will change when she Is teething so shoud I just stick with the 10pm feed until she doesn't drink much at all.

Thank you!
Jacob normally has his last bottle at around 9 or 10pm but mostly 9pm and then I change him and put him to bed and he sleeps right though until 8am has a bottle and then he will go in his bouncer chair for a while followed by a bath, playtime on his mat, couple of naps in between and he will feed about every 3 and half hours to 4 for the rest of the day, he is taking 6oz. I give him nappy free time every other day.
At the moment I bath Angel at 6pm, bottle between 6/7 and straight to bed between 7 and 8. She's sleeping right through till 7/8am at the moment but I'm waking her at 6am to feed because I don't like her going any longer than that without a feed or a nappy change. She'll go back down till about 9am then I'll feed her at 10, playtime till 12ish, nap, feed at 2, usually a walk or more play then 30 min nap at 4/5 then bath at 6 :) my HV just said as long as baby is happy it's fine and the routine is practical x
Lauren, do you do 4 feeds in 24 hours? For some reason I obsess about fitting in 5 feeds!
Grace has bath at 7pm, bottle at 7:15 ish & in bed asleep by 7:30 ish. She goes down awake and is always asleep straight away or 8pm st very latest. She then sleeps until 2/3am for a bottle and then through to 7/8am

However if she's unwell / teething / unsettled etc she will wake around midnight for a bottle and then through to 4am
Lauren, do you do 4 feeds in 24 hours? For some reason I obsess about fitting in 5 feeds!

Yeah just 6am, 10am, 2pm and 7pm ish. Ah is it supposed to be 5??? :S I mean Angel seems to be happy enough, the feeds fill her up x
To be honest Angel has slightly more than a baby her age on average, thats probably why she only has 4 feeds a day... I think so anyway xx
I was going to say same as Jaycee - just try not giving her the 10pm feed to see how it goes! The longer you are waking her for this feed the more dependant on it she will become, then you will have a real drama when it comes to reducing from 5 down to 4 feeds per day
Owen was having a 10pm feed but we bought it earlier and earlier so now his last feed is about 6pm
As we wanted him to have a bedtime. So we bath him etc and feed him then straight in his cot, r normally falls asleep within 10 mins and then he sleeps through till 6.30am without needing a bottle x

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