please help..


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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I am a bit worried and wonder if anyone can help. I have been off pill for about 5 months- had cycles of 32, 31, 26 and 28 days since.

Last month i charted temp for the 1st time and then also this month. Last month seemed to show a temp shift indicating OV etc a had a luteal phase of 11 or 12 days ( it has to be at least 10 for implantation)

Anyway i started AF today and according to FF i OV at day 19 and had a luteal phase of 9 days but actually my temp was only raised for 7 days post OV. (has been low for the last 2 days before AF)

I am worried that i either have a problem of a short LP which means it is difficult to conceive or that i didnt ovuate this month

Does anyone think it is possible to just have a one off dodgy cycle or has anyone had anything similar???

I know i am worrying without knowing if there is a problem but i want children so much i dont know how i would cope with problems

thanks for listening

Hi, I shouldn't worry if I were you. Everyone is different plus FF isn't 100% accurate, maybe you had a dodgy temp one day so O day was earlier than indicated. Do a couple more months to make more of a comparison so you can see more of what your own personal cycle is. Beside I don't think it would matter about implantation because a fertilised egg would be sending out the pg hormones before it's implanted so AF wouldn't come anyway (don't quote me on that mind).
Good luck :hug:
i found combining opk tests with ff better .
and i was told by docs that its perfectally normal not to ovulate every month anyway .

if you worried go to the docs ? mine were great but mainly because id had laser sergury this year and was worried it was scare tissue , even tho i now know ive got bigger problems then scare tissue least im getting the help i need so it isnt all bad
Thanks, I will see it look over next two months or so i am only worried as you need to be treated of you have a luteal phase defect.

i will try and stop worrying and hope it was a one off funny cycle!

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