Please help


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I feel so embarrassed writing this, a little fraudulent even, because I know what others are going through and this is such a non problem compared but here goes. Seb is such a good baby, he'll go down easily, entertains himself, is so calm and peaceful UNTIL.........feeding time. The last two days he's asking for his feed as normal but as soon as I start giving him his bottle he starts screaming! I mean proper 'phone the police someone's committing murder' type of screaming. He sounds like he's terrified of something, he tenses up, arches his back, tips his head back and screams! Eventually he accepts the bottle but I've had to start giving him his dummy and then giving him his bottle. He doesn't do it on his last feed at 11pm or his first feed at about 5/6 am but the rest of the time he does this! It absolutely kills me to hear him like this as I can't do anything to help him. We've decided to change his milk and are trying HIIP organic to see if that helps. I'm just completely lost! We're also starting to use dentinox to see if it's wind related. Please, can anyone help? Does anyone elses lo do this?
Hmm, Ross only screams before a bottle if he's being impatient or I've waited too long after I've heard him working up for a bottle. So I'm not really sure what to suggest, it's maybe wind or reflux?? I think reflux'y babies are a bit pained when it's coming up for feeding time again, and feed more often. Not sure what else to suggest hon, bit of a change for wee Seb!
Thanks for replying x I asked the doctor about reflux because Sebs started bringing back some feed, not all the time but now and again plus pulling faces and sticking his Tongue out and the doctor suggested keeping him upright for half an hour after a feed!
I'd take him back then, sounds like something has progressed for him, possibly getting a bit more acid coming up and burning for him. Ross had the sickiness and when he burps tends to pull a face and sort of chew on whatever it is, but never screams with it. Maybe Seb needs a wee touch of gaviscon or something.
He's got his 8 week check on Monday so I'm going to speak to them then x I feel like such an awful mother!
You have just described lucas! A total nightmare at feeding time. This might seem so stupid but he hates milk :shock: Not an ounce of milk passes my boys lips in a bottle now. The only way i get the magic pint a day down his neck is by mixing it with food. The problem i had is that he refused all food until he was well over 6 months old and up until then he messed about with feeds. He still remained a little fatty which still baffles me to this day seeing as he didn't take enough to feed a field mouse. He did suffer from reflux tho so i suggest going back to your doctor and asking for some gaviscon or something xx
Oh no don't!! Sounds like your GP hasn't taken it fully on board or needs a bit of a shove to do something for him. They're always throwing up something new to challenge us (babies that is, not doctors lol).
Thanks guys x yeah I'll definately be taking him back to the docs! Toon that's what it feels like-like he HATES milk!
Definately sounds like reflux! I thought drake had it the other day as he wanted the milk but kept crying every tine I gave it to him. When I sid manage to get him to take some he start retching and choking! he did get better after a day or two though! I'd deffo go back to the doctor though Hun xx
Thanks hon x tonight I gave him his dummy first then his bottle and he was ok so I'm going to try that again I think and def go back to the doctors x I feel a bit better knowing that there might actually be something I can do to help him x
If it carries on ask your HV to refer u to a dietician, zach is an absolute nightmare feeding, he has a few ounces then screams if I put the bottle near him, I have to get him to sleep to finish his bottles and the morning feed normally takes 2hours! Dr browns bottles have helped a bit, dietician said it could be silent reflux, sounds quite similar to what your describing? Good luck xxx
It does sound like reflux! Infant gaviscon was brill when charley was doing it and it's got alot better now! The gaviscon worked from the first feed in which I used it too!
That's wonderful to know! x x

Thank you so much everyone! x I'm going to see if waking him every 3 hours to feed makes a difference and definately speaking to doctor on Monday.
They finally prescribed gaviscon! He HATES being fed though! It's an absolute nightmare! I dread feeding times! He's so placid and happy the rest of the time but feeding times are horrific x
:hug: poor little thing. Hope the gaviscon works. Morgans like this too, I think I might have to get him on the gaviscon. My GPs useless, I tried to buyit over the counter but you cant at his age :doh:
:hug: poor little thing. Hope the gaviscon works. Morgans like this too, I think I might have to get him on the gaviscon. My GPs useless, I tried to buyit over the counter but you cant at his age :doh:

i just told them herbie had had it before and they give me it went to the doctors and he give me it anyway but if he hadnt i was just going to keep buying it

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