Please help...


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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Is there anyone that is expecting and not working?
I have been working for 14 weeks (it was a temp xmas job) and Ive just been told today that I am not being kept on. I worked my ass off there so Id have more chance of being kept on and I actually liked it there...Im going to miss it. But now Im scared about how I will manage for money with a baby on the way?
Im going to try looking for a job so I know Ill get JSA...but tbh who is going to employ a pregnant woman? :cry: But even so....£50 is just enough for me to get by...never mind buying things for my little man :cry: What will I do once he gets here and I have to stop claiming? :cry:

Im sorry, Im just really struggling. I lost my little girl last year so going through a pregnancy after loosing her so late on is hard enough as it is & on top of that the daddy doesnt want me to keep this baby...he has a huge list of cons about it and when he finds out I have no job...its going to make him act even worse....thats if its even possible :cry:

Im sorry, I just have no one to talk to. Sorry if this is in the wrong place. x x x
:hug: Firstly try not to panic. It's not good for either of you to be stressing. Things will get sorted and getting stressed and upset wont change the outcome honey. I'm not sure about benefits and the like but firstly I want you to be calm.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I know to some extent where you're coming from, my OH lost his job without warning and pretty soon I will be going onto Maternity Allowance, which covers less than half our outgoings.

If you don't find a job, depending on your home situation you may be entitled to income support after baby is born. You'll also get child benefit and child tax credits.

Whilst pregnant you get your HIP grant (£190) which you can apply for at 25 weeks, and if you're on JSA you'll get the sure start grant too (£500) which you can apply for at 29 weeks.

I'm sure things will work out somehow xx
I'm pretty sure if you're claiming JSA when you're pg there will be a stage before the birth where they can't expect you to be still searching for work and they'll switch it to Income support. You'll also be entitled to child tax credits once the baby is born and you would be entitled to housing benefits as well. I believe there is also a food stamp thing but I'm not clued up on that as it's more related to Income support.

I'm so sorry you lost your job hun :( but I agree with Lisa staying calm will be better for you both :hug:
Unfortunatly you are not eligable for Income Support until you are 11 weeks away from your due date, I also had a temporary contract and it ended at the beginning of September but I was claiming sick as I was unable to work for the last few weeks.. Income support goes up to £65.00 a week when babys born, £20 a week for child allowance, and tax credits on top of that if you are not working and are claiming as a single parent.. I qualifyed for both grants and got me a hell of a lot for my bumpkin.. Also when you have been claiming Income Support for 26 weeks you can apply for an interest free loan if you are struggling.. You can get up to £1000 and they will take something like £5-£7 a week from your benefits.. You should ring and make an app with someone from your local office and you will have all of your questions answered :hug: It is worrying and scary thinking of a little one depending on you when you arnt working.. But there are always ways to be helped :hug: I hope things work out for you xox

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