Please help us to support stillbirth research


New Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Hello all,

I am writing on behalf of my mother who suffered a stillbirth at 9 months nearly 26 years ago. She was given no reason for her dying, and obviously the whole event was a devastating and tragic loss. Sadly this situation is still happening to many parents. One in every two hundred babies are stillborn with nearly 23% of cases unexplained. I would like to do something to stop this happening to any more people. We are interested in finding the cause of all these deaths. I am therefore supporting the research work of Dr. Alexander Heazell of The Maternal and Fetal Health Research Centre at St Mary's Hospital, Manchester, who is leading a fantastic team.

So further to this we have founded the Holly Martin Stillbirth Research Fund, to raise money and awareness for stillbirth research.

On the 25th June we are holding our first summer ball, a chance to hear from Dr Heazell on his work and from Isobel Martin the founder. It will be a positive night, that will link people up who've had dealings wether personal of professional with stillbirth. Its something people dont talk about, almost a taboo which is something we hope to change.

The night will be held at Ashton Court Mansion in Bristol, to include a drinks reception, 3 course meal with wine and live music. Tickets are a very reasonable £40, post here or message me to buy or ask questions. :)

We need all the support we can on this one, to make it a special night, but also to do our bit for this much needed research.

Thank you for your time, Luke
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What you are doing is amazing.. Stillbirth is a TABOO subject that unfortunatly is not taked about often and there is not enough awerness on it.. My baby son was stillborn 8 1/2 months ago at 35 +6 wks due to severe ventriculomegaly (severe fluid on the brain) caused by a heammoragh.. Im raging because i live in ireland and would have loved to go.. Good Luck with the avent, i hope it goes really well for you
My son wasn't stillborn, he was classed as a Neonatal Death as he died at 2 days old (he was born at 30+3) had I not pushed for them to do something he would of been a stillbirth. It makes me so angry that I had a perfect pregnancy until 30 weeks and 2 days later he was born and another 2 days later he was gone. We still don't have a cause for his condition - he had developed Hydrops Fetalis and we will never know for sure why. It breaks our hearts.

I definitely think any research there can be to prevent stillbirths and neonatal deaths is a must. We have contemplated setting up a charity to help fund research into he causes of Hydrops Fetalis. My son was very nearly born at St Marys but they were unable to take us, I had to settle for a much less qualified hospital. St Marys were consulted and they did supervise my sons care but I would of been happier there.

Same the event isn't in Manchester though as it sounds like a wonderful cause.

Good luck with everthing :)
Good luck with the event id love to attend but i cant travel atm.
My son was stillborn 8 years ago and still find people go weird when they find out.
Have no connection with any Stillbirths , but I just wanted to say what a great cause this is, thanks for posting on here, hope you find some Bristol area ladies and raise lots of funds for your charity

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