Please help?!!!!! Ranitidine dosage


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Any mummies of babies who are prescribed ranitidine could someone please tell me what the dose is?

I think I may have inadvertently been overdosing my baby!!!
when AJ had it he was on 0.4mls 3 times a day. But bear in mind he was small weight and sometimes they go on weight. x
Thanks lovely.

Oh shit.

I've been giving her 1ml 3 times a day as that's what it said on the label of the last bottle. The first bottle I had said 0.5.

The new prescription i got today says 0.5ml 3 times a day.

Tor that's totally not your fault!! I'd complain to chemist xxx

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You need to check what the strength is. How many mg are in 1ml? I would t have thought it would be different, but you never know. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Ive checked, it's not bloomin simple is it.

They are all the same, though the last bottle says 150mg/10ml syrup whereas the other two say 75mg/5ml syrup so I've been trying to work out looking online if that is too much. It's rather difficult to understand.

I'm gonna take all of the bottles to the pharmacist tomorrow and ask. I'm very cross about this, I've been giving her too much for 2 weeks now.

It's not good that they've messed up, but I'm pretty sure what she's had is still within the therapeutic dose. Georgia has 7.5mls three times a day, and she's a fair bit lighter than Tilly.

Def complain, but don't worry yourself about it being dangerous. Iykwim. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Ive checked, it's not bloomin simple is it.

They are all the same, though the last bottle says 150mg/10ml syrup whereas the other two say 75mg/5ml syrup so I've been trying to work out looking online if that is too much. It's rather difficult to understand.

I'm gonna take all of the bottles to the pharmacist tomorrow and ask. I'm very cross about this, I've been giving her too much for 2 weeks now.


Have you got the repeat prescription? Pharmacists (unless they are utter morons) are mostly very careful about labelling doses and follow the prescription well. If you have the repeat slip have a look what the doc has put, if the pharmacist has substituted cos they didn't have the right strength then you really do need to complain to their regulator hunny. It could have been devastating if it had been a painkiller or something

Try not to worry :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
The prescription says the lower dose now. I have the other half of the strip. So what I got yesterday is the what was written on the prescription.

The previous prescription was written by the consultant at the hospital :wall: it came from the hospital pharmacy so I have no way of knowing what was written easily.
All prescriptions are double checked against the labels before handed over. There have been so many changes to regulations, like pharmacists can no longer print "as directed by your doctor" cos not everyone can remember what the doc said, we have to do 2 training courses a year at work cos of this kind of thing. I'd say your gp has messed up, the prescription and strength she was given at the hospital would show up on her notes when ranitidine accessed by the doctor on the computer.

I would have a word hun, you need to be able to trust what they give you and as it is a repeat prescription, albeit the first time from the hospital, your doc shouldn't have changed the dosage and/or strength.
It depends what weight your LO is

My LO was 4 months & on 0.9ml 3 x a day - he was 7kg at the time - but he had severe reflux so might have been on extra - it didn't work at all right enough.

She weighed 15lbs 1oz last time I had her weighed a week ago. So 6.8kg.

It doesn't appear that I am overdosing her to the point of it being massively dangerous I don't think.

I'm going to have words with the doctor I think.
Well thats just a tiny bit off what Kayden weighed when he was on 0.9 - how much is LO on & what makes you think its wrong?

i've just realised why your confused

Phone the hosp you were in - it'll have on record what you were given

I've been giving her 1ml as thats what it said on the label when I got the new bottle about 3 weeks ago. But before that she was on 0.5ml. The new prescription says 0.5ml that I got yesterday :wall:
The pharmacist told me I hadn't been giving too much that it would cause injury so I am relieved.

Will need to check with the doc what the dealio is with the dosage though.
Definitely check hun. Glad the pharmacist said it was ok but how scary :hug: xxxxxxxx

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