Ranitidine, Reflux... Problem


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Didnt know where this should go, so iv stuck it here.

Long story short - I took my lo to a&e at 9 weeks old, diagnosed with silent reflux given ranitidine and domperidone. took him to see my GP at 11 weeks old, to see if dose could be up'ed. Dr, totally F*ucking useless as always, said he would do a refural to a pead and when I needed a repeat prescription to just drop in a request.

Soooo, monday I drop in my request... Today i send OH down to collect it, who tells me they are waiting on dosages etc to be faxed from the hospital blah blah, I go down there, and tell them to sort their lives out, we dont have time to muck about, hes runing out of ranitidine. They say they will take prescruption in to get it signed from the GP and come back in half hour. SO back in half hour, they they say that some guidelines or other state that ranitidine is not for the under 3's so they wont give it - its a REPEAT prescription FFS, someone MORE qualified has prescribed it for something they diagnosed that the GP called Colic - twat!!

What can I do!? He cant not have it, he will be in agony, and wont be able to drink his milk again!! Do you think going down to A&E and seeing if theres someone I can speak to there may help? Just pull his file out, and get a repeat prescription done up or something?! I was thinking of going down there tonight after Iv put him to bed at half 7. I dont know what to do. I Cant bear to have him crying all day and all night again like before.

I AM also, complaining about the GP and changing practices, as my practice will NEVER be able to prescribe ranitidine apparantly - great!! If this is the case why didnt the GP tell me this 13 days ago when we were there for anoter waste of time appointment with him!! I could have paid to go provate to see a pead if thats what I needed to do, I dont care about the money, so long as my LO is ok!!!

Any Ideas?!??!?
That is CRAZY!!!
I've never heard anything so ridiculous!!!
I would go and sit at your doctors tomorrow morning until you are seen and INSIST on the prescription. Explain it's a repeat.
Tom was on Ranitidine from about 3 months old.
If you don't have any luck, I would call the hospital and see if you can speak to the paediatrician that you saw or one of his colleagues and explain the situation.
My god...I feel stressed for you. I know how I felt and it's just not an option for him to go without.
I would be livid. To take a child off prescribed medication without any notice or even seeing him is completely irresponsible.
Put your foot down and kick up a real fuss until you get what you need.
Let me know how you get on.
Lx :hug:
I was Livid.. infact livid was not the word.

We went to a and e. He got addmited, we stayed the night, and now they wont let him out :( atleast I can stay with him - iv just run home to shower while my mum sits with him!!

The pead is apauled at my GP and I will be making a formal complaint, because of his negligence my LO has now been admited to hospital!!

Im back off to the hospital, thank you for the msg!!

E xx
Don't have much advice but want to give you one of these :hug: and give your GP a kick up the arse.
oh hon how awful for you :( :hug: :hug: :hug:

hope your LO gets better soon xxx
That is awful.
I am so sorry.
How is he doing today?
Just back!!

Thank you so much guys!! :( What an idiot of a GP I have.

Corey is now on over tripple the dose of ranitidine, domperidone and neocate milk, were back to see the Pead in two weeks. Im going to compose my letter to the GP and then forward it to whoever the GP's answer to, im hoping google will be my friend there. I was spitting feathers, totally digusted with the negligence that my GP has diplayed.

On an up note, he seems happyer and sleeps better... lets see what hes like in two weeks :)
So glad he's on the mend.

I guess you know that Ranitidine and Domperidone are weight-dependent so make sure you keep getting him weighed regularly so they can adjust the dosage if he's put on weight.

Your doctor is rubbish. I can't believe he put you through all that.

So glad things are looking up now though.


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