please help im still smoking and the guilt is killing me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
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before any one tells me i know im a selfish cow and i should stop. Even though i know all the risks and i know i should stop i just never seem to do it. every morning i say to myself today is the big day and no more fags but by lunch time i have some pathetic excuse and im off to the shop..... i have had a few weeks where i was feeling very low and tearful but even though that has passed im still smoking. im so angry with myself why am i so weak? why isnt the horrible guilty thoughts i get not enough to make me stop. im so pissed of with this now maybe i have reached my turning point as im starting to feel enough is enough as i would never forgive myself if anything was to go wrong with my baby :(
ok im making my self a promise today is my last day i swear. hopefully now i have told someone i will stop!

sarah x
It really isn't easy giving up I was quite lucky really I was able to give up as soon as I found out I was pregnant, it wasn't easy and still now I fancy having one but I always think to myself its just not fair on the little one and that gets me through it.

I do suggest if you are finding it really hard to go and get help hunny honestly if you speak to your midwife they are more than happy to point you in the right direction and give you the help and support you will need. Just give it ago, and don't do it on your own.

x 8)
dont beat yaself up hun, at least your trying. there are woman that do worse while they are pregnant. dont be hard on yourself x
Don't be so hard on yourself, it will only produce more stress and make you want a ciggy more lol.

The way I quit was choose a day (prefrably within the week but leaving you 2/3 days) on the first day cut down to half the amount you are smoking at the moment, on the second day cut down to about 3/4 and on the 3rd day have 1/2 ciggys then the next day try and not have one at all.

I found it was hardest for the first 4 days after that its not as hard as you think it will be.

hope that helps a bit :D
Keira said:
Don't be so hard on yourself, it will only produce more stress and make you want a ciggy more lol.

The way I quit was choose a day (prefrably within the week but leaving you 2/3 days) on the first day cut down to half the amount you are smoking at the moment, on the second day cut down to about 3/4 and on the 3rd day have 1/2 ciggys then the next day try and not have one at all.

I found it was hardest for the first 4 days after that its not as hard as you think it will be.

hope that helps a bit :D

Yeh !!

Too all the smokers finding it hard to quit... here is a real life success story with my g/f !!

She has done amazingly well... I cant believe how she quit. One minute she was smoking, the next she wasn't.

I expected it to take ages, I think knowing she was quitting for her and the baby helped a lot...

But I know how hard it was and still is for her.

But seriously, you just have to really put your mind to it, and do the obvious (stay away from people smoking... do things to take your mind of smoking etc)

Good Luck!
Hi Hun just wanted to give you my smoking/quitting when pregannt story.

I smoked for the majority of my pregnancy, till I was 27 weeks infact. I hated the dirty looks I got from people and knew I was doing wrong but I didn't have the will power to quite. The thing which made me eventually quit was I was taken into hospital with contractions at 27 weeks pregannt. I was told if I didn't stop smoking my baby would be born earlier and would be smaller and have more problems breathing. After a week in hospital I had already spent a week not smoking and carried on not smoking.

It turns out Damien was born at 34 weeks anyway, but thankfully was a big baby and he'd had steroids for his lungs and did great.

I'm not tyring to make you feel guilty at all, and only being faced with such a big thing stopped me. I just wanted you to know I know how hard it is, and if that hadn't happened to me I would have probably smoked all the way to the end. I managed to stay quit for a few weeks after he was born, but stress and lack of willpower to continue, and I started smoking again! :roll: I have cut down though and did when I was pg, wnret from 10-20 a day to 5max a day, and now prob not even that a day, unless I go out for a drink.

Good luck trying to quit. xxx
I am one of the lucky ones who managed to quit when we were ttc. But DH has gone back onto them and I hate it. :(

I would definitely suggest reading Alan Carr's books. He was a 100 a day chainsmoker and now makes a living helping other people quit.

Good luck hun, we all know it's not easy.
Thanks for all your help! it has put things into prospective and i have decided that i will give up smoking on tuesday as advised bu the people at STOP. so fingers crossed and alot of will power!

thanks again
sarah x
Do not go cold turkey though . losanges are great because they take 30 minutes to dissolve and by then your craving has gone :)

It is hard but you can do it if you want to. everything is in your head. i still fancy my fags but put the idea away. the first 2 weeks are the worse and then it goes better. good luck
When I was having DD I switched to silk cut ultra low for a couple of weeks so when I did quit it wasnt such a shock to the system. Good luck next week sarah :)
i smoked when i was pregnant with my first but i cut down from 30 a day to 5 and my second i gave up when i found out and stopped smoking for 2 years, now mollys born i have been finding it hard and started having a sneaky one when the kids went to bed and now im on about 10 a day after 2 years im well gutted, but don't be hard on urself a lot of mums just don't care and you do and ur trying im sure you will do it i have every confidence anyone can do it but its important not to get urself worked up. good luck 2 u :D

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