please help. i just can not stop worrying


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
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i have got myself in such a mess! i sufered a missed m/c last year. i had no symptoms of pregnancy and when i went for my early scan at 10 weeks the sac was empty. does anyone know what the chances are of this sort of m/c happening to me again? i do feel different this time my boobs really hurt and i just feel spaced out and im eating alot and i really thirtsy! i can feel sick but no sickness! so all my symptoms are telling me not to worry but i just can not seem to get on with things as i am so worried and i just want to know and i want a scan so i can see all is well.
im seeing my midwife tommorrow for the first time but im not sure if she will agree to an early scan as i hace only had one m/c. any advice on what i can say to persuade her to let me have a scan?

sarah x
I had a miscarriage at 5.5 weeks in June last year and saw my GP when I fell pregnant in August and she asked me whether I wanted and early scan for reassurance which I gladly took. Had a lovely scan at 7 weeks which showed the heartbeat (not much else really as very small) and helped me to focus more positively.
Although I suffered tiredness with my first pregnancy, before the miscarriage, I didnt have any at the beginning with this one although the sickness feeling and heaving started at about 8 weeks and didnt subside until 16 weeks.
Hi Sarah,


I assumed that after what happened to me last time (same as you empty sac at 10 weeks) i would be offered an early scan, however i don't think they offer this unless you ask. All i can suggest is that you convey to your Midwife just how you are feeling and ask for an earlier scan to ease your concerns. You could always be a little flexible with the truth :twisted: and say that you are not sure how far along you are, the first scan is the dating scan after all.

Is this your first? I think as the only time i saw the screen it was empty that is all i can think will happen again. But we must think that the chances of this happening are not very high, it doesn't make you stop thinking about it though!

I think we are all in the same boat and i feel we're not going to stop worrying about the little ones until we are old and grey!

here if you need me

Claire xx
well i had been thinking about being a little tiny winy bit naughty :wink: and telling them i really not sure of my dates! i will let you know how i get on tommorrow.

tanks for answering so quick
sarah x
Hi There,

I totally understand why you are concerned as I too m/c last year so when I got my BFP in December I was petrified and every day seemed to be so scary.. somedays no symptoms and others loads.. its a nightmare.

I was fortunate enough to be offered scans from 7 weeks onwards every week / other week with this pregnancy but that is because I was already registered at EPAU due to that m/c being my 3rd so they were investigating causes etc..

The only thing I would say is that having early scans is great but only if you are having them regularly.. I had an early one last year at 7 weeks and then still m/c a week later.. if you have a scan at 11 weeks you are less likely to m/c but if you have one at 8-10 weeks there is still a chance... that is why they wait until 12 weeks. ANd then if you have one before 12 weeks they won't give you another until 15 / 16 weeks.. it is hard to wait but if you are having all the symptoms I am sure you will be fine.

If you really do want to get an early scan.. tell them you are spotting or having cramps.. that may get you an appointment...

We will get you through this worrying time.. I am still paranoid every day even though I am now showing and only last night I managed to hear my Bod's heartbeat on my doppler.. now I have my own source of reassurance as i will always be afraid something is going to go wrong.

As far as statistics go.. it is very rare [according to my m/c consultant] to have more than one m/c.. they say the first pregnancy is like a dress rehearsal and our bodies sometimes reject the bean as it is all a bit strange but then when you get preg again your body says..OK I know what to do now and all is fine.. I like that theory although not much good to me as I am on my 4th pregnancy and at my age [36].. thats a long wait for my body to adjust!!!!!

take care
well i did not even have to lie as i just started crying as soon as i started to explain! midwife was great and she has booked me in for an early scan which should be in the next 7 days. she was very reasuring and told me the chances of having another missed m/c were very slim. so fingers crossed all should be ok.
thanks for your replys
sarah x
Glad you had a great MW and have a scan soon. Have my fingers crossed for you xx

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