please give some advice


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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im really confussed at the mo af came well i think it was i had 2 days of light spotting then 2 days of light bleeding and now ive had 2 days of a brown discharg this doesn't usually happen on my periods im confussed ive done a test but it was neg:| i dont kno whats going on. ive been havein pains in my abdomin and headaches also a bit of lower back ache i dint know what to think someone please help thanx x
Not sure how much help I can be as not actually got as far as being pregnant yet! From was I have heard from others it could be that you are, as it seems some people take a while to show positive. All I can say is test again in a few days, first thing in the morning and if you get neg and keep feeling rough go to see your GP. Hope you get the result that you want :hug: Keep us posted.
Not sure how much help I can be as not actually got as far as being pregnant yet! From was I have heard from others it could be that you are, as it seems some people take a while to show positive. All I can say is test again in a few days, first thing in the morning and if you get neg and keep feeling rough go to see your GP. Hope you get the result that you want :hug: Keep us posted.

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