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Oscar is pretty much the same at the mo especially in the morning and evening time.Thankfully he'll go 3-4 hours at night until 4am when he fusses for a few hours.
I really am no help tho as I have no idea what to do other than hope it's a phase he's going through......
Cant help babes, my wee one feeds and feeds too - he does go longer at night but i think thats because i feed him constantly during the day! my midwife told me if you let them comfort suck in the day and are really patient with them with feeds, as well as feeding them whenever they ask for it. He will happily suckle for 15mins at the end of every feed which pulls more milk through and keeps him happy

maybe try that :)
thats what i do, let him feed on demand! i sit here and my boobs are here for him :rofl:

people keep suggesting i express for a bit, or go onto formula as well as breastfeed, but i don't want to! i WANT to breastfeed. but it's so knackering at the minute! i'm putting it down to a big growth spurt recently and that he was on a drip past couple days in hosp so he was constantly full. so he maybe trying to get that feeling again.

but when i express he has 5-6 oz every time and emptys the bottle! xx
I am going through the same with Esmé atm. Had to give her a bottle of formula last night and about 30ml today as she just didnt seem to settle with my milk. It upset me but I didnt know what to do, especially as she is really hurting my nipples and my breast pump isn't working properly for me to get alot of milk.
He could be having a growth spurt hun or cluster feeding. Lisa (mervs mum) is the best person to offer advice i reckon. She doesn't get on much now (work, family, etc...) but i'm sure she will pop by soon and offer some words of wisdom. Well done for sticking with the breast feeding hun, your a star!! xx
aww lovisa, i had to do the same, i am now combine feeding. i have been expressing right, but it's always the foremilk and like NO fatty hindmilk anywhere. yesterday Riley was fine with breastmilk because the day before, he was on aptamil, the doctor said it may give him a boost and i was out of options. I REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT. but thought my baby isn't getting enough, and i was nearly dropping dead i had to do something. but combine feeding makes me feel better because at least i am breastfeeding some of the time and if i don't, i express. Riley has 7 ounces some feeds. so much!! and that's of formula, and will have more of breast milk sometimes. he's such a big, greedy boy!

i am gonna talk to my health visitor when she is next here or seek a breastfeeding specialist or something because my body doesn't seem to be producing enough milk when i'm soley just breastfeeding and i'm suppored to produce how much i give out.. arrrgghh it's just really stressing me out, that is another reason i gave him formula i was just getting so depressed. (i am suffering from general depressed and OCD, could this may be why my milk is being funny? xxx
Ria youve done so well to keep up with it. Im combination feeding now, but Im not feeding from the breast, Paige has EMB. My nipples got so sore as she has bad wind so comfort sucks alot of the time and at one point she was on and off the boobs for over 6 hours. I was in tears by the end of it!

I know how you feel when you say you didnt want to use formula, as I was in tears the day we used formula. I still get a bit emotional with it all. But like I say, Youve done a fab job keeping the breast feeding going, even if you do top up with formula. Good on you! :D
Hey honey, i have been told Fennel tea and keeping well hydrated is the best way to produce more milkies

good luck to ya my sweet xxx

sounds he is going through a growth spurt, keep on feeding him on demand and drink nursing tea with fennel and fenugreek seeds this will help to produce more milk really quick. Here is a link

Ria youve done so well to keep up with it. Im combination feeding now, but Im not feeding from the breast, Paige has EMB. My nipples got so sore as she has bad wind so comfort sucks alot of the time and at one point she was on and off the boobs for over 6 hours. I was in tears by the end of it!

I know how you feel when you say you didnt want to use formula, as I was in tears the day we used formula. I still get a bit emotional with it all. But like I say, Youve done a fab job keeping the breast feeding going, even if you do top up with formula. Good on you! :D

thankyou hun that makes me feel so much better! he's just such a big baby he wants so much!! lol. what is EMB may i ask? Riley always has bad wind too and always wants to comfort suck! he loves sucking my finger bless him xxx
i think she means EBM lol = expressed breast milk :flower: xx
ooooohhhh lol, oh me too then! i try Riley with the breast mostly but he just wont settle :(. thankyou toonlass! lol. love yer new avatar xxx
I thought he might be going through a growth spurt if hes constantly wanting an aving more than usual. I nearly put my lil man on hungrier baby milk but never realised he was having a growth spurt cos he kept taking 8oz every few hours it was constant an now weighs 8lbs 11oz hes a porker to dreading the next growth spurt which wont be long as his feeding patterns goes all over the place an never thought of feeding my lil un more in the day on demand to see if it will help him settle more at night but ya never know. hvent done breast feeding thought put him straight on bottles seems to bring it back more though which not understanding more although its knackering with the feeds when babys dont want to settle x
yeah i thought it was a growth spurt at first but it's been a whole week now and still not settling! with formula he goes every 3-4 hours and sleeps all night! with breast he's ok but only when they're full. when they're not full he doesn't settle. they have to be proper filled up for him to settle! but my breasts only fill up three times a day and thats when i'm solely trying to do it by breast! think i will purchuse some of the teas people have recommended! xxx
I've had that mama milkmaid tea. Smells like curry/liqourice but is surprisingly nice. Think it works, haven't tried it for a while, you've just reminded me about it. Ozzy is going through a growth spurt too I think and I seem to be empty all the time :(
Yeah I did mean EBM lol. I think lack of sleep had something to do with the misspelling, the other day I spelt 'hand' 'ahdn'....then figured I should maybe go have a lye down. :shock:
lol melio!!! same here. i put random words in a normal sentence, like how are you? i would put how are and you, lol! needd sleeeeep!!! xx
I know you probably don't have much time but are you eating and drinking enough? My little man was feeding up to 3 hours nonstop in the night and hv thinks because I wasn't eating and drinking enough so reducing the quality of my milk (didn't feel like I had time!). Now I'm trying to make sure I drink plenty of water and eat snacks whilst feeding and loading up on carbs (bread, rice, pasta etc). He is feeding much less at night now (1 hour) so think it may of helped.

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