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Awww thankyou so much everyone! I didn't even consider how calm I was being, hehe. I have my worries, but I'm just thinking in the state of mind that, I'll take it as it comes!! I just hope I can handle the pain as soon as it does start, as when I get cramp I scream as if I'm being murdered!! I just remind myself that millions of women give birth every day across the world! So I know I can do it, I hope ;) Xxxx
Awww thankyou so much everyone! I didn't even consider how calm I was being, hehe. I have my worries, but I'm just thinking in the state of mind that, I'll take it as it comes!! I just hope I can handle the pain as soon as it does start, as when I get cramp I scream as if I'm being murdered!! I just remind myself that millions of women give birth every day across the world! So I know I can do it, I hope ;) Xxxx

you will be fine ria long as you relax thats exactly what i think people younger than me do it and manage so i must be able to do it lol although i will be a nervous wreck just before the time i bet
Labour pains are so much different hun :) With every pain you know it's one step closer to meeting your son :hug: Nothing better than that ;) You will be fab! And I hope Riley arrives soon xxx
Good Luck Ria :) cant wait to see your beautiful baby :) !!!
Awww thankyou so much everyone! I didn't even consider how calm I was being, hehe. I have my worries, but I'm just thinking in the state of mind that, I'll take it as it comes!! I just hope I can handle the pain as soon as it does start, as when I get cramp I scream as if I'm being murdered!! I just remind myself that millions of women give birth every day across the world! So I know I can do it, I hope ;) Xxxx
You can 100% do it Ria, just stay calm, relax, breath and focus! It is a pain you can deal with and with each one you know it wont be long before you meet your baby. You will be absolutely fine. Xxx
Hope things move allong for you soon hun
ment to be half a lb they put on a week at this stage don't want you gettingtoo uncomfy but well done for staying so calm I would be climbing the Walls x
hello all :wave:

thanks for all your kind wishes and support :) very much appreciated! me loves you guys :D:D

had a nice day out with my mum in town today, and when we got back i thinkkkk i had a show! well a lot of gloop came out and it was clear but a bit yellow-ey and had a tiny bit of blood in! :yay:

and since then have had very strong movements and a few pain up and down my spine, so here's hoping something will kick off soon.

i have my appointment at hospital tomorrow for a internal and scan so if i get to that, i should know a lot more by then!

so i'm going to bed to make sure i get some rest, as i am soooo tired from all the walking in town we did today! got my face painted though which was fun :D hehe.

again thankyou guys for all the well wishes and i hope to update you with little Riley's photo soon!

will try to catch up with you all as soon as i can, katiejane - be on guard by phone! we reckon he'll make an appearence soon.

lots of love and kisses, Ria

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :love::dust:
Ill be keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! Cant wait to see him :D xxx
:yay: good luck, glad to hear you had such a lovely day yesterday, Im sure Riley heard all the face painting fun and wanted to come out and join in!!! :)

Looking forward to the updates! xxx
Good luck sweetie x hope he arrives today! x x can't wait to see him x
heyy everyone :D thankyou so much for all the good lucks and best wishes :D

had a membrane sweep today and monitered Riley's heartbeat - he kept moving!! so had to hold it on him basically :rofl:

internal - it was my first ever so i was really scared! i had Alan (OH) in the room with me so i could squeeze his hand, which was much needed! apparently my cervix is quite far back! haha. anyway i'm 1cm dilated, so things are deffo starting to progress :)

she then mentioned about induction and when i would like it, i said i'd like to go as long as possible without one so i was scheduled in for Wednesday 8.30am 23rd June. so here's hoping he comes before then! Lacey's Mummy - i'm depending on your sunday prediction!! haha.

gonna have some curry and sex tonight, wehey! xxxxxx

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