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I really hope you dont have to wait until Wednesday :( Its good that your waiting as long as possible though :) lets just hope your little man doesnt get to big in there lol!

Fingers crossed the sex and curry get him moving!!! xxx
haha, you know i didn't even think about him getting bigger, oops!! people have said to me bigger babies are easier though.. well you never know you hear so many things and bits of random information/advice when pregnant don't you! i think it's just all down to you as a person and your body! i hope curry and sex works too, if not that's it, not listening to these old wives tales anymore!! lol xxx
Ooo sounds hopeful! I'm booked in for my induction Wednesday too! So here's to hoping we don't have to wait that much longer! I hated the sweep was the worst thing ever! Xx
Bigger babies are easier? Is that because they get so big they just drop out with the weight of them!!! lol. I do admire you for staying this calm though. Ive got just under 5 weeks now, and I know if I was told 'actually, you've got 7' Id just look at them like this :shock: xx
lol melio!! the midwife woman was saying the different catergories of people when it comes to induction and she said there's some women that want the induction the soonest possible! so i understand how you feel. i think i'm so calm because i'm quite avoidant when it comes to doing something i'm scared of! so just taking it as it comes ;) i thought the induction would just prolong stuff though, knowing my body!

omg Meeah it was so weird!!! i'm sure she put her whole hand up there lmao. it didn't last too long though so i was happy! how weird we're being induced the same day! well we weren't that far apart anyway haha. good luck to you Meeah, have sex and curry, wehey! haha xxxx
Lol we should swap numbers and keep each other updated if we both go to wednesday! Keep each other company lol. I'm so fed upppp! And you'll have to all the sex for both of us cos i have no one to have it with haha! I might have to hunt someone down! lmao!
My phone is by my side hun, so hopefully i'll be writing updates very soon, def sounds like things are starting to move. I don't think we will have to wait until Wednesday to see pictures of baby Riley, I think it will be soon now. Good luck Meeah too xx
lol! aw ok i will send you my number via private message and you can gimme a text if ye like :) yes i am fed up with people just asking me - is he here yet? it's like, don't you think i would've let you know >:O!? aww maybe you should hunt someone down while England are on tonight, better than watching the match! :rofl: xxxx
oh good katiejane, i think you'll need it! hehe. here's hoping anyway :) it's getting close for you now aint it!! 6 days til due date :O xxx
Lol that is really very true!! Lmao! I hate football luckily my dad upgraded the sky on sunday and i now have it in my room so i dont have to watch any of teh crap haha! Me and my mom just sit and watch tv in my room now :P xxx
lol! sounds like the best way to go - sky is a blessing for tv :D xxx
love sky tv <3

we have sky but the kids take over it during the day fed up of cebeebies!! i upgraded so they can have disney but they dont watch it!! lol or when they do they seem to get loads of energy from everywhere n play up lol!! but i have to keep the upgrade coz they watch winnie the pooh :/ lol!!
Hey Ria, just wanted to say good luck cos I reckon it will be any time for you now hon and congrats on staying so calm and thinking through your options re: induction. With such a great attitude ur going to be a fab mummy and Riley is a lucky little boy!!! xxx
aww thankyou karen that's such a lovely thing to say! i've been getting comments like, why didn't you get induced tomorrow and it's like, because i want Riley to be here when he's ready thanks! haha. so really needed that comment, thankyou :) xxxxxxxxxx
Just wanted to wish you the best of luck hun. Hopefully Riley will decide to make an appearance before Wednesday but if not heres hoping everything goes well for wednesday.
I will be thinking of you and having my fingers crossed :P xx
sorry i'm one of those nagging - how you feeling today chick?
Lol ^^ yea how are you feeling today? Bet ya getting tired by now x

you know you can refuse induction and thy will just give you a scan each week till they say placenta need to get baby out now and then induce you - there was a woman on the health channel that had her baby's a month and a half and two months after edd and had natural delivery and natural starts no induction I went a month over with bella x but ended up having a c section coz she got stuck trying to come through with the back left hand side of her head hahahaha!!!!

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