Please could you help me with my scan? :-)


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2015
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Hi ladies, I had my 12 week scan a few days ago which dated me at 12 weeks 6 days. I'm really confused with what's what on the scan picture. This is my first baby and baby was really wriggly during the scan too.

So I'm guessing the lighter coloured bit beside baby is the placenta? Then is the white long bit beside that the cord? The tech did point out the cord at some point but I can't remember what part it was. I'm really nervous about finding out babies gender, I've always wanted a baby girl first but obviously if baby is a boy I will still be equally as happy. I haven't decided whether I'd like to find out yet but thought some gender guesses would be fun? :-) most people have said girl so far :-D what do you think? Thanks ladies x

oh also people have said chin and head shape looks like a girl? :-) so is there anyone that can help me understand my babies ultrasound? :-) x


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From what i cN make out the top of the scan is ur placenta and baby has its back to it :)
Im rubbish at gender guesses from looking at scans lol! I jjst take wild guesses! Xx
Thank you :-) I get so confused haha! My first baby so I have no idea what I'm doing or what's on the scan hehe :-) x
Dw huni :) i was the same.

They will go into alot lore detail for u at ur 20wk scan and show u everything :) xx
Thank you :-) is it bad that I'd really really like a girl? X
No not at all hun.
I always imagined myself with a boy 1st.. So was conviced Noah was. And he was lol!
Many ppl do have a preferenances. Its only natural. Obviously we woukdnt care as long as is healthy! Xxx
True :-) if you had to guess what do you think I'm having hehe? :-) it's weird because all the names I've thought of and my favourite name is all girls x
Dont feel bad for wanting a girl.. everyone secretly wants one or the other, i have a 2 yr old girl and still want another girl haha x
I can make the baby out but that is all :) your 20 week scan is brilliant, you can see loads more baby :D everyone secretly wants a gender, with my first I'd wanted a girl and had a girl, with my second I'd wanted a boy and had a girl and it made no difference, I love her exactly the same. This time I'd love another girl only because I love the name Paisley :) but I'd be delighted with a boy too :) xx

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