Please can someone give me advise on work!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2007
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Ok bit of a banter coming on but I was wondering if any of you have been in a similar situation.

I started my new job in November last year and it was going ok, but was quite slow on the work side! Then last month I was told that I was being let off in this particular job as the Company doesn’t need somebody to do what I was hired for as there isn’t enough work to do! Fair Enough…….I was already to leave and try to get something else but our sister Company who is in the same office offered me a job as Admin but the salary would be £4,000.00 less per annum. :cry:

I spoke to my partner and he said to do it as some money is better than nothing coming in as we need to save for a deposit for a flat, Since then there has been so much work coming in for my old job I have been doing it since! On the lesser salary.

I had my first scan yesterday and everything is fine so im over 3months PG now and im already starting to get a bump :D :D :D

I don’t know whether to tell work as I was supposed to be on a one months trial as admin but I haven’t done any admin work….If you see what I mean!? I am now worried if I tell them that they can turn around and say “ you were on a months trial but you havn’t done any work, so we will let you go”.

I can’t see anyone else hiring me 3 months PG as there are only a couple of months left that I can in reality work! :think:

When did you girls say anything to your boss’s?

Ive booked so many days off recently for appointments their going to start thinking somethings up soon!!!!

Oh and I have to tell my Dad tonight aswell……not looking forward to that!
Hey hun.

I know how you feel.
I was on a temporary contract that was due to be renewed on the 24th December. My boss wanted to make me permanent but i really didn;t want to tell them i was pregnant as i thought it might have affected it.

But i had to have so much time off i told my boss. And he didn't tell HR until i had been made permanent.

So my boss was really cool. What is your company like about things like that?

It is hard to say as losing your job is the last thing you need! How long will you have to hide it for?

Im not really sure how they are about it as i dont really speak to my boss alot so its kinda hard! :|

I just told one of my collegues to see what she would do as she is the person who currently acts as my sales manager! She was cool and understood my situation and said she could speak to them if i wanted but she doesn't know what they might say about the situation. :think:

She doesn't know if im due for a contract for either of the posistions....I just dont know what to do!

Its so good that your boss was understanding, Maybe mine will and im worrying about nothing!
Can you have some sort of meeting with your boss and ask if you are still on trial and when the trial period is over?

Then at least you will know if you have to hide it.

I hid it till i was about 16/17 weeks then i had to say and i was getting a belly.

If they moan and say you haven't done any admin say thats not your fault and you were told to change positions but you've been given other work to do.
It seems they need to sort out what job you actually are supposed to be doing.

I'd try and have a chat with your boss about your job role before telling them.

Sorry if i'm no help,

sounds like you need to speak to your boss and HR dept either way as expecting you to do 2 jobs for less money is not right and sounds highly dubious to me. Are both jobs reporting to the same person?

Once they have been informed you are pregnant it will be quite hard for them to get rid of you with out you having grounds for unfair dismissal.

You are having a baby not a labotomy so never allow anyone to make you feel less capable just because you are pregnant.

You do not legally have to tell ANY employer you are pregnant until you are 25 weeks, so you could quite easily still get another job in the mean time.

I have applied for a job internally and my HR dept know I am pregnant but have not told the department I am applying for the job as they do not need to know, according to emplyment law for another 9 1/2 weeks.

I agree with topbird, you really dont have to say anything and they cant get mad, as well as cant fire you just because your pregnant, but i understand yur point of you only being on a months trial. :think: hmm its a tough one
I wish you all the luck and hope it works out for you .
i told work pretty much as soon as i found out, at 6 or 7 weeks. once u've told them ur protected by law they cant sack u 4 being off sick and they gotta give u paid time off 4 ante-natal appointments. if ur not on perm contract tho i'd check with HR and citizens advice to make sure those rights apply to u too. good luck with it all x
Personally I think I'd try to sort the job situation out before telling them about your pregnancy. Just my opinion.

Sounds like they are not being very fair by expecting you to still do your old job for less money now just because you have taken on a different job title.

You need to make them aware of the additional responsibilities. Maybe if you didn't have your old work to do you would have had more time for the Admin part of the new role.

If you can't talk to your boss go to the HR department and ask them to look into it.

Good luck! :hug:

p.s. I only just told my boss this week and I'm 17 weeks pregnant.

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