Please .. advice needed re: symptoms


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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I am 42 yrs old and 6 weeks 2 days pregnant after having m/c's and an ectopic. In 2003 when I was 7 weeks pregnant I had terrible pains and a massive bleed. I went to EPU and they scanned me - :? we found I had lost a twin ( not identical). I went on to have Lilli, my healthy 4 yr old.
This time around I had dark + HPT'S 4 days before period was due, very early symptoms such as nausea, weeing all the time , dizziness, boobs sore, fatigue and some pains ( twinges that come and go ) where BOTH ovaries are. My symptoms are still here especially the nausea and the weeing and occasional twinges in both sides.
I was just wondering if any of you have had twins whilst getting symptoms early and especially twinges in both sides where ovaries are?
Twins do not run in my family but when I was pregnant with twins before, they said it probably happened because of my age as I would release more eggs, even though most of them would be rubbish!
Because of my previous losses and my paranoia, I am still using cheap HPT's every day, usually at night when my wee is weakest, and am still getting dark positives within 10-20 secs.
I am booked in for an early scan at the end of next week but was just wondering if any of you had the same?
many thanks
Scarlett :?
:wave: sorry about your previous loss :hug:

i am really not sure how the hcg levels go at the begining if its twins :think: there are a few of us on here that have had strong lines early on but i dont know if it means twins. you should try and google it and see what it brings up.
I've never lost a pregnancy so I have no idea how you're feeling but do try not to worry so much, it won't change anything. Hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy :hug:
Sorry, have just read my post and it seems a little harsh! Sorry!

What I meant to say was enjoy the now :)

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