Play time


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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What do u do with ur LO?

We do
Am -jumperoo or play mat a nap and then he look at his rag books an different material in his bumbo until feed
Then we have a nap
Pm we do tummy time and floor play together including tickle time with feathers etc, nap and then flashy lights and music time until last bottle and bath we then read a story put his music box on and he goes off to sleep!

Does I sounds ok?! Too much? Lol he seems to smile alot
You do much more than I do. I feel bad now!

E has just started going on her playmat since we get her a new one (fisher price rainforest) as she just screamed when put on the old one (m&p Lottie) and she goes on this alot through the day. I don't think she is quite ready for the jumperoo but hopefully not long.

I an going to have to make sure I build some more proper play time in now.

She does not have any sort of daytime routine yet but hopefully as this changes we can do more.
When I was really little we don't do as much cos we didn't wanna over stimulate him
We do tummy time and rolling time on a blanket in the living room when he gets up. He'll then go on his mat on his back. We've just started cushion time where he's half propped up and I'll make toys fly and 'tickle him' in the belly.

When I go into the bedroom to make the bed he'll go in his cot with a toy or lightshow.

In the afternoon (usually my lunch time) in his bouncer with the bar on. Or swing with bar on then he'll go back on the mat.

I keep afternoons more chilled as A wind down. More time in the chair but it's talky time were I'll read his books to him or we have a chat and play. If we go out it'll generally be in the afternoon. Every 2-3 days I let him watch one of his baby einstein DVDs but not too often as I think tv watching is a bad habit to get into.

Awww sounds great pinky. O has mister men DVDs but he watches them on a Saturday lol! Like u I don't want him to be a telly addict
It's so hard because he LOVES them and gets so excited! I think it's also good for saving as a calming tool. If we've had one if those visiting days where he's passed from person to person I like to bring him home bath or feed him to chill him and let him sit in his chair and have some me time iykwim?

I've looked at baby Einstein DVDs but was not sure. Are they any good? The only DVDs I put on us Harry Potter and she was fascinated for about 5 mins!

E is 10 weeks old now, how much play did you do at this age?
I've looked at baby Einstein DVDs but was not sure. Are they any good? The only DVDs I put on us Harry Potter and she was fascinated for about 5 mins!

E is 10 weeks old now, how much play did you do at this age?

I swear by baby Mozart, as an adult they aren't much to watch but my brother and sister and Tyler love them.

I dont have any set play routine! feel like i should now!

I do what i feel ella is in the mood for, i couldnt say that i give her tummy time every mrning because if she isnt in the mood for it she will get upset, same with the jumperoo, bouncer, swing etc

sometimes shes more than happy lying on her back watching peppa pig and playing with her toys alone other time she wants to be entertained and i will sit and play with her
I dont have any set play routine! feel like i should now!

I do what i feel ella is in the mood for, i couldnt say that i give her tummy time every mrning because if she isnt in the mood for it she will get upset, same with the jumperoo, bouncer, swing etc

sometimes shes more than happy lying on her back watching peppa pig and playing with her toys alone other time she wants to be entertained and i will sit and play with her

I dont have a set play routine either. depends what kinda mood G is in, and what im trying to achieve around the house, or out. She's suddenly found an interest in her play gym - although i hae princess sophie hangin on it aswell - need to propher up on a cushion cos she doesnt seem to like lying on her back in it.

Sometimes after a change I just leave her wriggling on the mat on the floor which she really likes. I put my ipod on for her as well, as she quite likes the music.

Also read her books, usually in the afternoon.

I reaad somewhere the other day that its important for them to play alone so they dont get to relient on being entertained.

I dont have any set play routine! feel like i should now!

I do what i feel ella is in the mood for, i couldnt say that i give her tummy time every mrning because if she isnt in the mood for it she will get upset, same with the jumperoo, bouncer, swing etc

sometimes shes more than happy lying on her back watching peppa pig and playing with her toys alone other time she wants to be entertained and i will sit and play with her

That's a rough idea of everyday. Things get mixed up etc. He loves playing on his mat on his own. Really makes me smile when he talks to his toys!

When did you start that type of play? Sam is 5 weeks and I find it quite hard to entertain him as he's not interested in toys etc. He likes his play mat and his bouncer, I talk to him a lot and unfortunately for him I sing to him. He likes lots of snuggles and being carried around :) x

Any other ideas for a 5 week old?
Sounds perfect sue o is only just per past 3 weeks or so got interested in stuff
We normally have tummy time for at least 20-30 mins in the morning. Then normal floor play with her Lamaze toys and gym, just flying them around and making them tickle and chase her. After that I usually sit her up and let her play with the toys on her own (I don't leave the room I just sit behind her and let her choose which toys she wants). After her nap I put her in the bouncer or walker for 15 mins or so and after her lunchtime bottle its story time. I play a lot with her on the changing unit too, I hold her feet over my face and play peek-a-boo; she loves that!! Or I hide round the door and I say I'm comin to get youu lol fun times but this isn't a routine, this is what I do everyday with her but in different orders etc. xx.

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