Plastic Surgery

Im having a boob job when im 40, not to be any bigger but to deal with the sagging lol, I reckon by 40 they will be worse than they are now so it will be a prime time to get done :D

Id also like lipo, a nose job, a layer of cartalidge removed from my chin (think bruce forsyth lol) and a face lift, but I'll never afford all that so its just the boobs :lol:
frangelle said:
How much was it (if you dont mind me asking?!!)

I know you weren't asking me but I'm looking at £4,500 for the breast surgery and around £2,500 for the liposuction. They charge per site they treat and I'm after 2 sites being treated. You can with certain clinics pay for it monthly interest free but honestly I'd rather pay upfront isntead of dragging out silly £100 payments per month for the next 10 years type thing!
I wouldn't have it done, I just wondered!!! Deffo have my big honker done though!!!
definitely if I had the money.
i'd like to get something done about my chin, but I'm not sure what that entails.
As I get older I think I'd consider liposuction as well, if all else fails.

Definitely wouldn't have a face lift though, too scared I'd end up looking like Cher eeeek!

I really don't like the idea of plastic surgery. Technically, I have had it done since I had a haemangeoma (sp?) removed from my arm during my GCSE exam period (really intelligent timing, that). Luckily for me the scar is barely noticeable since it is covered with freckles.

But the idea of someone taking a knife to me when it's not medically necessary just sounds horrible. If I have a problem with my body image, I'd rather get counselling and learn to live with it than resort to surgery.

And, with apologies to frangelle, a nose job sounds the worst of all. From what I've heard they smash your nose with a hammer before they reconstruct it and you have to wear bandages for ages. Whether that's true or not, the idea just gives me the heebie jeebies.

Plus, I worry that if I were to have surgery then it might look worse than it did before!

Have you heard about that woman whose breasts basically kept exploding because her body was rejecting the implants? (I read about it in a mag quite a few months ago.) She kept retrying and it kept going wrong. In the end, she looked ten times worse than before.

I dunno. I sort of understand why other folk do it, but it really isn't for me at all.
I had a boob job when I was 21. It cost £5000 and I wish I hadn't bothered. I got pg with James not long after having them done and I think it's being pregnant when they were still healing that has caused my problem.

The right one seems to have a capsular constriction where the scar tissue shrinks and squeezes the implant. My boobs gone hard and wonky. It looks ok when I've got a bra on, but I can't wear a top without a bra anymore cos my boobs look wonky and my nipples are at different levels (I think Britney Spears has been pictured with wonky nipples too, maybe her boob job needs redoing too). It's not painful, just looks deformed without a bra.

I went to my GP a couple years ago about it but he didn't even look at it. He wrote away to the medical council (I can't remeber what they were called) to ask if I could be referred to a consultant on the nhs and they said because I had it done privately they can't do anything which is fair enough. It's my own fault, I did it to myself and there are a lot of people a lot worse off who had no part in wrecking their body.

With regards to breast feeding, I was told when I had it done I should still be able to breast feed, but after I had James I breast fed for a week, then had to switch to bottle cos I wasn't producing enough milk.

I've since learnt 60% of boob jobs will result in a capsular constriction, and once you get it once, even if you have them redone it's likely to happen again. I think it's the body rejecting the implant, and there's no way of knowing who will be affected.

I know there are people who have surgery and it changes their lives, but just bear in mind that there will always be those who have problams and regret it.

I can't afford to get my boobs fixed at the moment, but when I can I think I'll opt to have them removed. There's also the worry of them leaking and making me ill. When I was 21 I felt invincible and never considered the dangers properly.

Jenna...think hard about having a reduction. They leave a huge amount of scarring. I think you end up with a Y shape scar across each breast.
I will definitely have a reduction if my boobs dont go down after Im pregnant. I have always had a lot of problems with them - they go massive before period etc - and they are now an F cup and I get really bad backache and neck ache and feel really uncomfortable. Its got to the point that i really wouldnt care about the scars because I just want to feel good in my clothes and not have people stare at my chest all the time!
i want a boob job SOOOO badly - if i had the money now i would get one done tomorrow without a doubt i hate my boobs they are way to small :(
muppetmummy said:
Jenna...think hard about having a reduction. They leave a huge amount of scarring. I think you end up with a Y shape scar across each breast.

I havnt really thought about scars, my chicken pox scars make me feel ill when i touch them and iv never had an operation so i dont have any others. Im not really botherd about how my boobs will look after, its the weight thats the problem. i would love a lift because there a weird shape because of the size of them but thats about it, if they were light and in the right place id be happy. No ones going to see them but DH and the back ache i get from them makes him really upset aswell. :(
J-Do1979 said:
and they are now an F cup and I get really bad backache and neck ache and feel really uncomfortable. Its got to the point that i really wouldnt care about the scars because I just want to feel good in my clothes and not have people stare at my chest all the time!

I get that too!!! i cant believe how rude some people are, its like if you have big boobs you dont have feelings or something! im a 34H now :cry: id love to be a D/DD, i was that size at about 13 years old :shock:
Jenna I sympathise! Even my mates go on about how they cant believe the size of them!! It really makes me feel self concious - I mean, you wouldnt say "God your arse has gone big" but for some reason, people think its ok to say "my god arnt your boobs huge!!" It really hurts my feelings. I went to Barcelona at the weekend and braved a bikini and some bloke on the beach started bloody filming me on his video camera!! I was mortified!! Im a 34F and they just keep seem to be growing. So a few scars for a reduction doesnt phase me at all. I just want to be a D cup like I was about a year ago.
jenna said:
J-Do1979 said:
and they are now an F cup and I get really bad backache and neck ache and feel really uncomfortable. Its got to the point that i really wouldnt care about the scars because I just want to feel good in my clothes and not have people stare at my chest all the time!

I get that too!!! i cant believe how rude some people are, its like if you have big boobs you dont have feelings or something! im a 34H now :cry: id love to be a D/DD, i was that size at about 13 years old :shock:

Jenna, I have a friend who had a reduction. She was suffering with backache and just couldn't get clothes to fit. She says it's the best decision she ever made and she's so happy and self confident now.
She doesn't have a lot of scarring either, they did a really good job on her.
J-Do1979 said:
Jenna I sympathise! Even my mates go on about how they cant believe the size of them!!

Its so rude, i think people just think its a compliment because its what they want. Some times i think i should join the circus or something!! one thing that scares me about surgery is what they actually do. Another is that i want to breast feed and last time i researched it they couldnt actually do the surgery with out cutting the tubes and that would stop you from breast feeding. :? its a lose lose situation really, i think im best waiting till iv had kids, but then after that how bad is my back going to be? it feels better to bend forward than stand up stright and i cant lay down on my back without being suffercated or crying in pain because my spine is stright. :|
jenna said:
i want to breast feed and last time i researched it they couldnt actually do the surgery with out cutting the tubes and that would stop you from breast feeding. :? its a lose lose situation really, i think im best waiting till iv had kids, but then after that how bad is my back going to be? it feels better to bend forward than stand up stright and i cant lay down on my back without being suffercated or crying in pain because my spine is stright. :|

I think that they can do it and reattach your tubes now. I think there is still a chance you cant breast feed but its much lower. I find that I get a really bad crick in my neck as the day progresses like what you get when you have slept funny and its soooooo painful.
J-Do1979 said:
Sammystar, do you know where your friend had her reduction?

In Berlin I'm afraid. That's where she lives.
She went from a G to a D cup and like I say she's over the moon. She doesn't have kids though and doesn't want any. She was told at the time it would affect breast feeding.
I would like a breast reduction once my family is complete. I probably couldnt afford it tho :(

Im normally a 34 GG but have just been measured a 38 K nursing bra :shock: The fitter said not to be shocked by the nursing bra size as my boobs would go back to their normal size eventually. I hope Im one of these ladies who is left with smaller boobs after breast feeding, even if they are left droopy
i would like a boob job and lipo, OH says he will never buy it for me :cry:

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