Places not to sleep when in your 3rd Tri


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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...On the sofa... all night...

I can't recommend it.. Not only do you wake up feeling like you haven't slept but every joint in your body aches, including your calf muscles where you have had 5 leg cramps that you can't get rid off because you can't stretch out. Also you can't prop up the bump with a pillow cos the pillow keeps falling off so your LO throws a wobbly... :roll: Not to mention the screaming migraine you wake up with because your neck has been at a 45º angle all night on the hard arm rest. :cry:

And to those asking how I know this... because I slept there last night as DH went out, got absolutely wrecked, passed out diagonally across our bed, so I was regaled to the only soft surface in the house... :roll:

Men really do get it easy... don't have to go through any pain or discomfort, go out get drunk and then make us pay for it... How is that fair... :think:

So now I'm absolutely exhausted and still have to go have dinner with the inlaws when all I want to do is go lie down in a nice soft bed and have a lovely sleep.. :sleep:
:x make him suffer for it. I would :lol:

I had to sleep on the floor in my 1st tri cos of his ar*eholeness. He's still suffering.
You should have just rolled his ass outa bed and made him sleep where he landed.

Make him pay for the rest of the day, by keeping talking at him and making sure he doesnt go to bed early to sleep his hangover off, Or grass him up to his mother and sit back and watch her tell him off like a naughty boy. :rotfl:

:hug: for having to sleep on the sofa.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Have you ever tried moving or waking someone whose passed out... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I would have pushed him off... but OMG is he heavy... !!!

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