Pins and needles normal?


Sep 20, 2008
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Hello ladies :wave:

I was wondering if anyone else has been experiencing kind of pins-and-needles-feeling in their hands? I seem to have that almost constantly, especially on my right hand,and especially the middle finger gets quite numb (not due excess use, mind u!). Is this maybe normal with swollen fingers, as I apparently also have water around my joints? It's just really uncomfortable.

Thanks already!
I've been having this too, in my hands, sometimes it spreads to my elbows and goes numb too. If I've been sitting around for a while I get it in my legs too, it's always worse at night. M/W said to see doctor if it continues but wasn't too concerned as my circulation can often be sluggish. I find keeping my fingers moving helps and I'm trying not to sleep with my hands under the pillow! It has got better lately so maybe being more aware has helped without me realising. Get to the docs if you're concerned tho. :)
I've been getting this alot recently, mainly waking up at night with pincs and needles in my hands but last night it went right up my arms as well. Was wondeing if I should mention it to my midwife? I've been trying to to sleep with my arems under my pillow/head but sometimes just wake up like that.
Yeah I get the feeling up my elbow sometimes as well. Last time I saw a mw I had pains in my joints,and she said it is usually worse in the morning,but didnt have the numbness,so dont know about that. :think:
I feel like when I am doing something with my fingers (like today sowing), it gets worse. I might have to pop in the hospital tomorrow for something else, so I'll ask the mw, and let you know.
I wake up every night with pins and needles in my hands too (usually my right one)....I did read somewhere thats its very common but is usually a symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome - but disappears after LO is born!
I've been getting pins and needles in my right hand (and sometimes arm) at night too. It helps if I can try and sleep on my left side (assume something to do with venous return?) but to be honest if I could get to sleep standing on my head I would try it at the moment as I'm so bloody uncomfortable! :doh:
EllieBelle said:
I wake up every night with pins and needles in my hands too (usually my right one)....I did read somewhere thats its very common but is usually a symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome - but disappears after LO is born!
I was just going to say the same thing! I also get pin & needles (but also in my legs lol) but yeh its worth asking you MW about carpel tunnel syndrome!
i have this and have been told its carpal tunnel :( ive had it for about 2 months now and its getting worse everyday the consultant got me splints to wear at night on my wrists but i keep taking them off in my sleep so they are not helping its due to swelling in the wrists as theres not much room in there anyway the slightest bit of swelling pushes on all the nerves and causes the numbness if its really bad i find an ice pack really helpful or running the cold tap over my wrists other than that work out what sets it off and try to avoid it sorry cant help much more than that think its something we will just have to put up with till our babies are born :( xxxxxxxxxx

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