pink liquid


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2008
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did anyone experience the loss of pink coloured liquid (watery type) at the end of their pregnancy?

I called delivery as i was worried i was bleeding this morning after noticing that when i went to the toilet i was loosing a pink coloured watery liquid. There wasnt alot but enough to worry me.

The midwife told me it might be my hind waters and to put on a pad and to get some sleep and to call back if pains didnt start in a few hours to go in and be checked over.

I called back later on as i didnt get any pain and the next midwife told me to come in at some point in the day to get checked and to call when i was on my way.

I called back an hour later to say i was on my way only to be told by another midwife not to bother as i haddnt soaked a pad so it must be a bloody show. I explained that there was no mucus at all only liquid and that i had lost bits of plug and know it looks a bit like snot and this was nothing like it. She still insisted not to go in.

Im not overly worried as i have a midwife app at 9am so i will go over it all with her but i thought i'd ask if anyone on here lost pink liquid at around 40 weeks and knew what it was as i have been told two different things and am very confused.
no i didnt lose any liquid, all i lost on exactly 40 weeks (the day i gave birth) was my show which was like snot mixed with blood :puke:

good luck with everything! :hug:
My waters only trickled when they went and they were pink. The MW said pink was completley normal. I would have thought they should see you if there is any chance it is your waters. I certainly didn't soak a pad but it was my waters when they checked.

Maybe give another ring and say you'd like to get checked as there is an increased risk of infection if it is infact your waters. Good luck :D
If it's very watery it could well be your waters as it sounds exactly like what mine were. There was no mistaking it was my waters when mine went but as mentioned above for some it only comes in a small trickle. I'd really insist on being seen. Good luck hun :hug:
Thanks guys. went the midwife today and she said it probably was my waters from the top but because it had stopped them not to worry.

Going back this week for a sweep if not will be induced on tuesday next week.

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