Pink discharge


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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For the last hour, everytime I wipe I'm having a light pink discharge. I never had this with Dan. I've been looking on the net and it can be normal. I am really worried though. I'm not having any cramps

Shall I just wait to see if it gets worse or should I ring someone?
i would keep an eye on it, if it gets any stronger or you have any bright red streaks or cramping then call the epu..or just go in! as long as its just light pink it could just be some normal blood from implantation..hope you are ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: of course if you are worried anyway theres no harm in ringing up!!!
I had this a week ago and I was really scared, but I think it is supposed to be normal if it is light pinky blood coming out as it is just a bit of spotting. If you were meant to be on your period then it can sometimes come through as your cycle still runs even when pregnant! Best thing to do would be to keep an eye on it and if it gets heavier or goes more red then get straight down to the hospital to be checked over! You could always ring your midwife for a bit of reassurance as well xxx
My advice would be lie down and wait it out.
If you go running about to hospital and doctors you'll just end up sitting about and they cant tell you anything one way or the other so there is no point unless its painful.
Chances are it's nothing, but I would stay in bed. :hug:
Your only 4 weeks or so pregnant so im betting thats it probably blood from implantation!

If it persists I would go and see your GP, but im sure all is fine :hug: :pray: :hug:
Thanks everyone for the reassurance :hug: :hug: :hug:

I've been worried sick all day. I am still spotting. Its a very light pink/browny colour, not actual blood red and no cramps.
I phoned the EPAU this afternoon who said it sounds like implantation bleeding but if I start bleeding (new red blood) and cramps then I have to go to A&E. If I'm still spotting on Monday then I should see my GP.

allycat, how long did yours last for hun?
prob nothing 2 worry about hun just take it easy x

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