pink cm at 8 weeks


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2012
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Hey ladies.

Went for a wee and found pink cm when I wiped and a pink smudge on my panty now convinced I can feel twinges. Am almost 8 weeks......terrified I might miscarry.

Any advice? Read u shouldn't worry unless u have red blood like a period and cramps....but could this be the start?

I would call your dr to see if they can refer you to epu for monday. If it turns to red blood with pain then go to a&e. Xx
Yes please phone your midwife and get referred to epu. Let us know how you get on xx
Hi Milly, did you manage to get hold of doctors? hope you are ok x
Hi Millie

I had pinky brown cm at nearly 4 weeks and 6 weeks. Drs weren't too bothered and a private early scan at 8 weeks showed all well with buba.

I would go to your Drs and hopefully they will refer you, I wouldn't panic tho, it can be so common. I know it's easy for me to say and that in reality you will have spent the day running to the loo every 10mins to check.

Please keep us posted with how it goes. Big hugs xxx
Thanks ladies. I've not had any more pink cm since this morning.I feel a bit achey but nothing else.

Am gonna hold tight over the weekend but if I see any more pink I'll make a phone call.

Trying to stay positive and hope its just coz I'm coming up to 8 weeks and my next missed period.

Glad you've not had anymore, have you had booking in app with mw yet? If not might be worth mentioning it. xx
My booking in appointment is not until 12th June...will be over 10 weeks then. But will definitely mention it then no matter what. Xx
I had a bit of pinky cm and I freaked out. I'm pretty sure it was sort of around 8 weeks ish (memory isn't the best) and all is okay.

Some ladies have lots of bleeding in pregnancy so unless you have cramps I think nothing to worry about - easier said than done I know ;) I was checking myself every 10 minutes!
hi im 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant and have been bleeding for the last 5 days on and off it stopped over the weekend but has started again this morning.

i have been to the epu where they took swabs and checked my hormone level and cervix and am booked in for a scan tomorrow.

since i started bleeding all my pregnancy symptoms have gone sickness sore boobs everything i am so scared as i know they are going to tell me that i am miscarrying.

has anyone been through something similar to this as i have had two previous pregnancies which ive never had a spot of blood at all which worries me even more.
Sorry you're going through this.....hope u get some answers tomorrow. Hugs. Xx

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