Pill advice-anyone on microgynon (sp?)

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Went back on pill after Rubes was born.......

Last few packs I have noticed I am bleeding on wiping for 1-2 days in the middle of the pack.

This has never happened before.

Shoud I be worried? Read leaflet in pack which said to contact doctor if this happens :think:

Has anyone else had this xxxxxxxxx
I had mega bother with intermittant bleeding on this one. I literally had to be spot on with the times when taking this and Im talking exactly 24 hours.

I would never take this again, Im a depo girl now :D

It wasnt anything serious but the bloating and bleeding was a pain in the ass.
Yes im on it and have the same!

Think im gonna finish this pack and get the doc to change it. you have to wear san pro every day just in case :wall:
Thanks for replies girls :hug:

I had read an article on cervcal cancer last night and bleeding between periods was a symptom, so I have been worried sick since then :oops:

I never hve been happy back on the pill, I suffer with dicky tummys a lot and dont trust the pill..so much so I am terrified to have sex as I really dont want to be pregnant again.

I am going to see doc this week, thinking of the coil as I have been on depo or pill since I was 18, and I want to have a break from hormones for a bit.

Thanks again xxxxxxx
The only bother I am having with the depo is a lack of sex drive, but Im not missing it so Im not caring :rotfl:
It said there may be a problem with increased weight gain but I have never found it so easy to lose weight as now.
I was on microgynen (sp) a few years back and I didnt gt on with it at all. I got headaches, bloating, sickness the lot.

I got it changed to dianette and tbh i'm too forgetful to take the pill so we just used condoms instead!!
This is what I am taking and have done for several years.

I found that when I stopped taking them when TTC, I suffered a lot of head aches. And when I started taking it again after I gave birth, I suffered from headaches and nausea for 2 months which has now passed. I never noticed any bleeding. x

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