Piercing stomach pain


Sep 27, 2006
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Hi everyone,

Last night, for the second time, I experienced an extremely painful sensation in my belly. It didn't hurt as much when I stood, or laid on my back, but lying on my side was unbearable. Pain can only be described as a really bad stitch, but all over, rather than in one area.

I had it once before, and when I woke in the morning, it had gone. That is the only reason that I didn't go to A&E.

Has anyone experienced this? Is it the babe getting into a weird position? extreme indigestion? I am meeting with MW tomorrow, but wanted to see if anyone else has had similar.

Dolly x
I have this, mine tends to be at the sides, if I move quickly or without support.

Mine is also like a severe stabbing stitch pain which can stay for ages or go suddenly.

According to my m/w it's just ligaments and muscle under the strain of our expanding bumps and apparently is usually worse on the right hand side.

Hope you're feeling better now :hug:
Dolly are you using anything to support your bump? I used to get horrendous pain which woke me up and it was a combination of ligaments stretching and the weight of the bump pulling down when I was asleep, got a wedge pillow and no problems now :)
I get stirch but it tends to be mostly on my right hand side...I got it a lot last week but think LO was having a growth spurt not so bad this week.

just check it out with your m/w though

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