pics of possible bfp


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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This doesnt look much - its brighter than it looks and is the inside of a FRER - had to take it apart for the pic, but it is quite clear just faint.

I took it this afternoon. and it showed up after a minute.

Also This is the tesco test I took this morning. Again not a good pic - but there is a pink line and it showed up in 5 minutes


I have taken 2 FRER and one Tescos cheapie and all have faint lines - I am getting excited OH is worried we are jumping the gun - after the early MC last time! I am testing tomorrow with another FRER and if the line is darker I have a Clearblue digital on stand by!

:pray: :pray:
Definitely a positive to me! A line is a line no matter how faint. You are pretty early just imagine in a couple of days time... I'd test again on sunday morning if I were you! Congrats!!! ( I allowed to say that yet?) lol!!!

Good luck with testing again!
I think I am 12DPO I think I am having a shorter cycle and think I ovd earlier than normal.
I have PCOS and most of my cycles have been 36 days but the last on e was 32 days. So I am just not sure...
I can see it a bit more in the top than bottom one. Looks promising! :cheer:
I am just so scared because its so early - Trying not to get too excited but its so difficult not to be!

I have been instructed by OH to take it easy over the weekend so I am lay on my sofa with the lap top and duvet and a stack of trashy gossip mags!
Congratulations your defo preggers with a tesaco test as i have had positives with all of them.
really hope this is it for us!

This is our 12th month of trying too...

I am terrible for testing early
I dont know why I put myself through it!

if I had waited a week I would probably feel more confident about things!


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