Physical appearance


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Since the birth of thomas, I cannot look at myslef in the mirror. Being so big when pregnant, My belly is covered with purple stretched marks right down to my thighs and I still have to wear my materntity clothes because my belly is still big. I went from size 14 to size 18 and it does not seem to get any better. My boobs are saggy, basically, I have aged of 40 years in less than a year lol

My gp told me not to do abs exercises yet but thomas is more than 2 months old so i think my muscles have had enough rest!!! mind you, I would not find any time to exercise, finding the time to clean, cook and wash clothes can be tricky, never mind exercising lol

Any tips on what could improve this? I have lost all my self esteem and am ashamed of showing myself to my OH even though he does not say anything. But i became shy about other things now, just because i hate this new body !!!
My belly is just like loose skin now, it just hangs, i to have stretch marks to and i was the same after having Amy but decided cos i wanted another i didn't want to do anything about it but i will now.

I am paranoid i will not look the same to OH but he says my body is beautiful no matter what and my body carried his children. which is nice but i think he is talking through his bum! LOl

Just try gentle exercise like when you are in the bath just tighten your stomach muscles while your lay there, or pull you stomach muscles tight and hold it for 10 seconds- i do that while i am washing up.

Did you girlks ahev a c-section cuz i htought after about 8 weeks you can do exercises again oh i sure hope so?
Futuremum... I'm really sorry that you feel like this. We can all be so hard on ourselves, especially when we see all the lovely "mummy models" and babies in the magazines. We're suppose to look like that ............... yeh right!!!!!!! Not in a million years. A more realistic photo should be of a mummy who needs her hair brushed, pj's with breastmilk stains, bags under the eyes, pale complextion, saggy boobs, a waterbed for a belly, etc.... the list goes on.

I was complaining to a friend about my weight and huge breasts at the weekend. She told me I looked lovely just the way I was. I looked like a "yummy mummy" to her. Well, that was rather nice to hear as I felt so pooh recently with myself.
You and me and all the other mummies on this forum will say the same. We all have stretchmarks, varicose veins, etc. My feet look horrible since they were so swollen and my skin is so dry too. I'm also still wearing maternity clothes, especially from a comfort point. No doubt - a lot of us feel the way you do.

Please don't worry. Get your hair done or pedicure of something to cheer you up. You deserve it afterall. :D
I've stopped looking in full lentgh mirrors. Only use mirrors that reflects what I have from the neck up........ :wink:

Hope you realise that you're a beautiful woman - don't be so hard on yourself.
Emilia xx
The motherly shape is beautiful. My mother was beautiful to me, and beautiful to my father, no matter what weight she had on.

I almost cried looking in the mirror one day recently - though I have put on 3st, I still don't look very bad, i guess - still heavier and wobblier than I would like - spare tyre! AND my breasts are saggy now. My OH looked at me with those big blue eyes of his and said, completely sincerely, "Love, you're gorgeous. I think you're beautiful, and while I support your desire to lose a few pounds, I would think you were beautiful even if you were twice as heavy."

I cried.

BUT lastnight, i put on a little floaty pink number I had before I was PG - fortunately a little too big when I bought it, for I barely got into it...and I felt like the old me again. Sure, fatter and a little droopier in places, but me.

What my mom used to do was hold in her stomach while she walked with the pram. It worked wonders, i was told, though it does hurt like hell. She also used our kitchen rolling pin as a massage tool for that area around your navel that goes all squidgy. I think that worked for her too. I've tried it too though and it just hurts.

I'd say get back into walking - at least a half an hour a day and some gentle swimming, avoid one naughty treat a day, and you will lose about two pounds in a;s what I'm aiming for, anyhow. A stone in seven weeks. Want to be my slimming buddy? PM me.

Aww Sue, your post has brought a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat!!

I am at the other end of it, just beginning to put on the weight and not feeling at all sexy. But my DH says that I have never looked sexier. I have therefore booked in for a haircut, and have also decided to go for a bit of a change. I always wear the same clinique make-up, and it is a bit boring and not many colours. I have therefore booked a consultation/makeover at the mac counter in my local Debenhams for a week on Saturday. I'm going for a complete change and am hoping that will make me feel better in myself. I'm also going to start swimming which hopefully will help me when I'm trying to tone up after having the baby.

And I keep trying to remember that it is the best reason in the world that my body is changing!! :lol:
Hey Tankett..that's brilliant...

Just remember that your skin changes while you're pregnant so what suits your skin type now could be potentially irritating when you're pregnant and vice versa!

You are lucky your OH says things like that!!! Mine tells me to go to the gym but i cannot leave thomas on my own so cannot do it anyway!! He never paid me a compliment, i mean a real one!!! He does not even look at me, even before i was pregnant!! :roll: But i cannot change him and there is no point expecting it from him. and he will not change now :D
Uggghhhh I can totally relate!

Boobies are saggy and nipples feel like they've been sanded, they're so rough. Tum is wibbly wobbly, ass covered in stretchmarks, need to give myself a short back and sides in the bikini area, roots need sorting, dry spotty skin blah blah blah, the list is endless!

Plus I'm too sore to DTD anymore, it just hurts! So I feel as sexy as dog pooh! :D
Oh dear...maybe we should start a new thread...things that are good!

Watch out at the top of the forum!


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