Phoning the hospital today


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
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I'm going to nag them to see if they can end my pregnancy this week rather than wait til the 30th for another scan. I'm still not bleeding, have had some cramps but nothing else. Obviously body isn't going to do this naturally or else it would've done it already considering the baby is only 6 weeks when it should be 12. Talked to a girl on Saturday who had exactly the same thing, found out on a Friday and had the procedure done on the Wednesday so the can do it, not sure why they're making me wait. My work has said I can have the week off, not sure if I should take it or am I going to go mental being at home?
Well that was a waste of time. The nurse basically said they have to rescan me on the 30th before doing any surgery so I have to wait 9 more days. Why are they torturing me like this? There is no chance it's alive considering it was only measuring 4 mm and had no heartbeat. It's "government" recommend so that must mean it's good for me!!! I'm so cross!
I dont understand this, why are they being so unfeeling :s

Could you call back and try to speak to a midwife or doctor? Xxx
I also had a long wait between first and second scans. It's just procedure to make sure you're not just wrong with your dates. I know that sounds silly and probably doesn't make you feel any better but some women can be really wrong on their dates so they can't take any risks. Big hugs xx

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Oh my goodness, this is so sad. Do you think you'd have more luck if you went down there and kicked up a fuss? It's so unfair of them to leave you in limbo like this. Thinking of you xx
I had a scan at 11 weeks with my first pregnancy, I measured 5 weeks no baby seen, so had a follow up scan the week after and measured 5.5 weeks and yolk sac seen, so they made me wait another week for another scan. Even though they knew I would miscarry they still can't do anything just incase your dates are wrong. With you measuring at 5-6 weeks, it is a hard gestation to determine anything for sure as a baby could be there without a heartbeat at that stage and all be fine.

Obviously you know different because of your dates, and it is torture :( I fortunately mc'ed naturally before the third scan 10 days after my first scan, but sometimes I wish I hung on to have the erpc as I ended up with one 2 months later due to retained products. I am sorry for your loss and I hope things happen before your next scan big hugs :hugs: xx
I'm actually going to book in a private scan this week just to put my mind at rest. Then at least I'll be prepared for almost Wednesday at least. I'm still testing positive, got a 3+ even though they think my baby's been gone for a while. Did other people have this? I know my hormones are still strong but just wondering x
With my first mmc I had to go through 3 scans over 3 weeks just to make sure bcos there was minimal growth they had to do this but cos I was u sure of my dates due to a issues af and a negative test I just wasn't sure but u are sure and I think it's just cruel , with my last mmc after my Erpc my pregnancy tests were still very very string so my hormones were still up there and it took around 5 weeks to get a negative test , my body seems to have trouble doing it naturally and even medically managed it still would not do its job :( xx
I've come to the conclusion that I can't do anything but wait, even though it is horrible. Am starting to cramp and have bad back aches but still no bleeding! I just want to start so at least I know it's going away. Been signed off work for the week which is good, don't think i could be around children at this time (I'm a teacher) also I don't know when I'll start bleeding, would be awful if it happened in front of my class.

What are the chances they'll do a d and c on me if they don't see any growth next week? Really don't think I can take it much longer!
Not sure about the answer to your question honey, but it's good that you have time off work. Take care of yourself xxx
What, and be told there's nothing I can do? I'd love to meet these "specialists" as so far, no one I have spoken to seems remotely interested that I've been carrying around a dead baby for 6 weeks as well as having to wait 2 more until they do something. Also, you've posted this on 2 other threads, unless you have any decent advice or sympathy, don't bother posting.
Sorry guys, there was someone who posted things on people's threads and I thought it was weird. But now they've been taken off, guessing it wasn't someone genuine! As if we need that!
Ahh i didnt see the post hun but there are some spiteful people in this world.

I really cannot believe how awful your hospital are being xxx
Aww, hun I didn't see that post either but really NOT what you need right now. Pleased to see that they've been suitably dealt with. Thinking of you x
sorry to hear they are making you hang around like this! truely aweful treatment! it takes seconds to scan you. so frustrating! i had my procedure the day after they concluded id had an MMC and i was grateful for the speedy response at my hospital. It must be so hard to be left like this for such a long time.

Id definatley consider making a complaint about the treatment you have recieved and the lack of concern.

Hope you get the answers and treatment you need ASAP xx
Sorry your going through this Hun, xxxx

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