PG after MC


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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I know some of you MC before this pregnancy. I lost my baby at exactly 8 weeks and I'm exactly 8 weeks with this baby tomorrow and I am now feeling terrified. I want to hide in a corner untill next week. I dreamed I lost this baby too last night. I feel like crying all day. :(

Anyone else feel like this?
no darlin' becuase i have never been in that situation before but i just wanted to send you lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i know its easier sed than done but try not to worry. i feel for you totally. i had a silent miscarriage at 5 weeks that went undetected until my 12 week scan i went on to have a normal pregnancy 3 months later and my daughter is now 4yrs old. i too am scared because this time my midwife is terrible and hasnt offered me an early scan or even asked about my previous pregnancy's (she's too busy to sit down and fill in form with me!!!!!) miscarriages can not be avoided but thinking positively will help, suim ppl have suggested to me buying sumthing for the baby that way you are thinking positively. i know how you feel but there is a good chance that this pregnancy will be fine. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: if you feel you are getting too worried then speak to your GP, midwife, or early pregnancy unit. im sure they will do all they can to put your mind at rest, you may even get an early scan. xxxxxxxx hope i have helped
I have never experienced miscarraige but can tell you the feelings of being totally scared silly dont leave you if you haven't been there. I'm 13 weeks tomorrow and still scare myself sometimes, I am still knicker-checking (just because I suppose!) and worry everyday that I'll loose my precious, precious bundle but have to tell myself not to be so silly that everything will be ok and I need to think positive. I'm so desperate to be a Mum and have my little Pudding (baby's nickname for the time being!) with me in August that I think I'll worry anyway!! I thought I'd be better once I reached the safer 12 week marker but humm I'm not really!!

Sending you HUGE hugs :rotfl: I'm sure you'll sail into trimester two safely with the rest of us!

This is my first pregnancy so I really don't know how you feel but I just wanted to say to all of you who have lost a baby think positive thoughts and before you know it your babies will be here.
I know exactly how you feel. I had a mc at 7.5 weeks and so this time because my Dr wouldn't arrange for me to have an early scan we booked a private one for 7 weeks it was such a relief to see the little heartbeat we didn't get that far the last time. I still feel scared that something will go wrong but my DH keeps reminding me of all my symptoms so I figure I should be ok (have a banging headache at the moment). I am due my next scan on Thursday and am really excited but really nervous at the same time I hope I will be able to relax a bit more after that. The dreams are normal too btw.
no pregnancy is he same, trust you'll be fine, don't stress too much, you have a baba to think of :D :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey honey try not to wworry, but i know how you feel as i had a miscarraige and then fell pregnant again and i was abosoluty terrified the same thing would happen again, but no pregnancy is the same and there is no reason why this one should go the same way.

i have been lucky 2nd time round and i am now 33weeks and 4 days preg.

good luck hun try not to worry

becky :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone- I'm feeling OK today. Although I'm up and down - hormones don't help :lol:

Aww hun havent been through this but surely this time will be different keep your head up and i know htose bloody hormones are hard to control.
I hate aweful dreams like that but remember that it is just s dream hun :hug:
aww hun, sorry your feeling like this.
I've never experienced a MC so I can only imagine what it must feel like :cry: :hug:
I did however have a dream when I was 21 weeks that I lost my baby when I was 22 weeks. The dream was so clear and so real that I was convinced it was going to happened. I was so happy when I finally reached 23 weeks. It was the longest week of my pregnancy! Its natural to feel worried, especially after what you have been through. Try to relax, I know easier said than done.

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