Pfft!! cant believe there blaming us!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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We have flee's in our office and loads of people have complained. Today the mice people came to check the traps and theyve found another 2 on our team. Theyve said now that its our fault there flee's! aparently weve got them after being in our gardens and bites you get in the garden dont show for 24hours so people assume its from work when it isnt. The guy sprayed under our desks and said leaveing the window open would only attract more insects in :shock: its roasting in here!!

Some ones getting onto health and welfair :evil: GRRR!
how bad is that!
I would request air conditioning then

what they are saying ur bringing fleas in? but they dont live on humans?
Becksss said:
what they are saying ur bringing fleas in? but they dont live on humans?

The guy said its unlikely that people would bring flee's from pets but its more likely were bringing them in on us from when weve been gardening because its been warm lately. And some one will be going on about having bites and other people will start feelign itchy. Which isnt true anyway because weve all got massive bite marks all over our legs and arms.

Then he said he doesnt think there are any and we just have bites from when weve been outside in the garden and we just assume we have flee bites from work because bites dont show for 24 hours!!

So some one laughed and he said 'leaving the windows open will only attract more insects' and walked off :rotfl:

Obviestly didnt have a clue what he was on about.
One of the offices I worked in had fleas years ago. And the weather was like it is now. I didnt know but they dont attach themself on to human flesh but they can on to your clothes hence someone could have brought them in.

I personally tho, think it is becase you have mice int he office.... they carry all sorts of nasty stuff.

Time to call Health & Safety me thinks!
You ought to go to the vets and buy some Frontline for your necks!!! :wink: Works a treat on my cat! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
it might not even be fleas! it could be mosqito bites, iv been gettin them alot recently an so is everyone else i know, tis impossible for a flea to live on you but without an animal a flea can live upto 3 months like in floorboards etc, I know flea bites are only small my cat used to have them, but mosqutio bites are huge an so god dam itchy. Do they know its fleas for certain? or just assume
I dont even think he knew what day it was lol. No one seems to know anything or they do and dont tell us. We just thought it was fleas because of all the mice that have been apearing recently.

What ever it is its making it hard to work :x

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