pets and pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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wasn't sure about holding my hamster/cleaning his cage etc so had a wee look on google and found this site

it says "Rodents, such as mice, hamsters and guinea pigs, are popular pets in many homes. But women who are pregnant or who plan to become pregnant should be very careful with rodents. These animals may carry a virus called lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV)."

also says that LCMV can cause loss of pregnancy and serious birth defects!

i would think that just keeping the cage clean etc would be enough, but im freaked out now :( does anyone else have pets around whilst preggers? if its a danger to my beany then of course i would get rid of the hamster, dont really want to if its not anything to worry about cause hes one of my little sisters hamsters babies, dont fancy explaining to her that i got rid of him lol :)

We have two chinese dwarf hamsters which my midwife is aware of, ive cleaned them out as normal and lil man is growing fine, and midwife hasnt mentioned anything about taking extra care with them xxx
We have cats & because of toxoplasmosis I don't clean the litter tree tray out. If I need to do anything I wear rubber gloves & wash my hands with anti bacterial wash afterwards. My hubby does the litter tray most nights though. I still feed the cats, stroke them & have them on my lap & was ok last time I was pregnant & ok this time around. I would wear rubber gloves & get someone else to clean the cage out. If you feed it or change the water, just put rubber gloves on to be on the safe side. Not sure about handling rodents, but again might avoid it as I'm not sure how they pass this on. Cats pass toxoplasmosis on via their faeces. This is another reason why you should always wash & peel root vegetables really well!

Sunnyb x
thanks hun, put my mind at ease lol :) i hadnt heard anyone ever say that they were a danger, just after reading that i got a bit worried! i suppose if you listened to everything you hear then you wouldnt do anything while preggers :p xxx
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Ive got two birds, and a dog, and ive just carried on as normal - cleaning and playing with the birds, picking up dog poo, etc.

I wouldnt worry too much about whats on the internet - I think we would all be confined to a house made of bubble wrap if I had taken notice of everything I saw!
Im sure your little hamster is safe xxx
thanks hun, put my mind at ease lol :) i hadnt heard anyone ever say that they were a danger, just after reading that i got a bit worried! i suppose if you listened to everything you hear then you wouldnt do anything while preggers :p xxx

Oh I know tell me about it, it ends up getting you down if you listen to it all xxx
thanks girls, i will just make sure i use gloves when feeding him etc :) good excuse for OH to have to start cleaning the cage though ;) haha xxx
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hey there,
i think its just mainly cat poop you have to be careful with, ive got a house kitty i have him on my lap, stroke him etc as normal. i just avoid the litter tray!!!!!
I've got 5 guinea pigs and a rabbit and I still clean them out, cuddle them, and feed them. In all my pregnancy books, it only says to take care with cats litter trays. I'm going to carry on as normal with mine. xxx

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