Petrified I might be pregnant


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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As the title says really, I'm absolutely terrified I might be pregnant again. We have always planned that we will only have 2 children. I'm only the mini pill but have forgotten to take it once or twice. I have no idea if we have ever dtd around my fertile time as I no longer keep a track of my cycle. The last couple of mornings I have been feeling sick and this morning I had those muscle pulling twinges in my abdomen that made me think I was pregnant with Jax. I feel so stupid for being so careless, I'm not a stupid teenager. There's no way we could have another baby, we only have a 2.5 (Jax's room is a tiny box room) bed house. We can't afford to get a bigger place and I dont get any maternity leave or pay (have to take unpaid leave) as its not law here.

I know the only way to find out us to test but I'm stuck at home today as my eldest has chicken pox.

Sorry, bit of a pointless post but I have no one else to talk to.

Mummy to two beautiful boys; Lennon born 5th March 2006 and Jax born 24th October 2011 :) <3
do you not have any tests in the house hun, sorry you are having a dilemma, hopeit all works out for you
No I dont hun, I gave them all away after having Jax as I thought I wouldn't be needing them!

Mummy to two beautiful boys; Lennon born 5th March 2006 and Jax born 24th October 2011 :) <3
hi hun, Have you been stressed out? are you breast feeding I believe all these can play factors in your cycle.....maybe af is right around the corner running late.....
Grief the Guernsey maternity leave rules are tough. Glad I didn't have children when I lived over htere! Have you no arrangement with your employer at all. I believe some will allow an entitlemnt if you have worked there a couple of years.

I hear what you say though, maybe it will all be unnecessary! fingers crossed for you. Maybe it's just stress!

boaz (a former guernseyite!)

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