personal question???

I havnt been weighed at all during this pregnancy but i did join weight watchers before i fell and lost 2 and half stone!!! was well chuffed with myself then i found out i was expecting. With my first i was weighed the day before i had him and had only put on 5lb from start to finish due to sickness in the beginning and i think this one is much the same. The day after i had him i was the lightest i had been for ages :) x x
I haven't weighed myself at all cos we haven't got any scales so I have no idea how much weight I have put on, although I have developed a sweet tooth (tried to steer clear before I was preggers) and feel as though the excess weight has gathered in my hips and bum, places that are impossible to work off!! I am still a member of the gym, but don't think I'll be seeing it for a long time yet!!
To the original poster, if you were quite skinny before birth your expected to put on alot of weight anyway, my friend was about size 8-10 before pregnancy and went up to size 22 during pregnancy :shock: and she was back to skinny again not long after the birth, But If you are overweight then they tend to tell you not to put on loads.

I lost a few lb in the first trimester, then in second and third trimester put about 11 lbs on...(so far)

I think it's weird how some people don't get weighed at every midwife appointment, Ive only been weighed once, now i have to ask to use her scales so i can know how much i weigh, and she doesn't bother asking me what i weigh afterwards :?
yeah i didn'r get weighed with bethany but weight religiously everytime with the first two.
Only been weighed once this time.

I usually gain the same amount in all my pregnancies. About 3 stone.
Littlelady i weighed less than 8 stone before i was pregnant! I now weigh around 12 stone!!! Gets you down dont it!
I have gone from 9 stone to almost 11 stone.

Think most of the weight is from my boobs though, theyre soo heavy :(

i dont really eat alot though so i think thats why ive not put on alot of weight :)
Don't honestly know, don't honestly care :D I know its too much but figure I'll worry about it in 2007. Realistically I know I'm gonna gorge myself on pate and cheese after the birth plus Christmas is only round the corner so figure I'll just make it my new years resolution to get in shape. Although technically we are all in shape, after all, round is a shape :D
Ooh I can't wait to have some pate. I'm gonna get my DH to bring it to the hospital :D
i was watching summat on discovery home and health where a womans doula helped her make pate out of the placenta...and they all ate it :shock: lol just thought i'd share!
i put on 2 stone (i think ) lol i went to 10 stone and think i was just under 8 before
thank you for all of your replies ladies i hope you dont think i am just being nosey i am just a bit gutted about putting on so much weight thats all:) thank you all
I put on nearly 4 stone - went from 11st 10lb to 15st 6lb. I was a biiiiiig girl! :lol:

Am back down to 11st 7lb now which I'm pleased about as I didn't want to get pg again having not lost my original baby weight.

When Ella was born I weighed myself within 24 hours and I had lost 1st 2lb (and gone down to 14st 4lb). Then I lost 1lb a day til about a stone came off, joined WW when Ella was about 8 weeks and lost another stone and lost the remaining weight by not gorging on choc and biscuits every night. I'm surprised how easy it came off tbh!
I was doing well with my dieting before I was pregnant and got down to 12st 2lb I'm now at 14st 5lb...hoping its all water and baby.. :lol: but I have done nothing but troff since I got over the sickness.....I can't believe how much I'm loving food....its great cos usually I watch what I eat carefully....loving all the naughty foods that aren't any good for me. Hey at least once our babies are here we can diet to our hearts content and concentrate on losing our weight then. :D
I was a size 8 before but that was because I was so ill on my arthritis medication and could hardly eat anything. My 2nd trimester was my undoing as the sickness left me and the fridge became my Mecca :?

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