personal question about... ermmm your "Girly Bits"


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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for those of you who have given birth vaginally....... i was wondering when did you lady bits return back to pre-pregnancy state. hehe
did it take a while to tone things back up down there, or did it happen straight away, had it never been the same?????? lol sorry to ask TMI i know! i just realllllly wanna know!

I had a graze after I gave birth so no stitches or anything so I consider myself lucky. It still took a lot longer than I thought it would to stop feeling a bit of a sting when I went for a wee (about 3 weeks) and it still hurt when having sex as much as 10 weeks after. My pelvic floor is fine unless I do strenuous exercise (such as trampolining) when I wee a little bit and need to wear a pad- just too lazy to get doing those exercises again!
Apart from the stitches needing to heal, it was all pretty much the same as before down there!
I wasnt left with a bucket if thats what you mean ;) LOL
its took about 4 months to feel kinda normal , but its looks different down there :oops: , its not a bucket tho lol i do wee when i run tho :oops:
its weird, even tho I had a section and didnt get that far into labour before hand, my bits were still all swollen and flappy. I think that went down in about a week.
I tore with my 1st but went back to normal by about 3 months after the birth. No such luck with baby number 2 and 3 though.
2nd degree tear, took about 4ish weeks to be healed and feel pretty much normal. OH says it doesn't feel different (TMI, sorry!) but I am definitely asymmetrial now!
I daren't think about it! I tried having sex after 10 weeks and i cried! It hurt so much more than i thought it would! I dunno what that means to be honest. I've not weed myself yet so thats a good sign. Lol
I will never be the same again! I tore and it wasn't stitched.

Also, I still have this weird feeling when I do a wee - like pressure. It's odd but not an issue. I've not looked for some time though so dunno what it looks like lol
I had an internal and external tear with about 20 stitches. Those took about 2-3 weeks to stop being painful and about 4 weeks for the stitches to dissolve.

Everything went pretty numb but was extremely sore if that makes sense. I lost pretty much all feeling internally. Externally hurt like hell.

Bladder side of things is still shot to shit.

Piles (from pushing during labour) cleared up after about 5 weeks.

Sex, it was about 7 weeks before I felt able to try. It hurt a lot. Tried again since then and its still painful to start but that passes.

I'm still doing my pelvic floor exercises also.
I had an episiotomy and a 2nd degree tear which have pretty much healed. The tear still hurts a little during sex if I go on top. With the episiotomy, it's all healed but I don't know whether it's a psychological thing but it feels different, I'll never think of my girly bits in the same way again.

Oh, on the pelvic floor side it's all back to normal.
lea m said:
Apart from the stitches needing to heal, it was all pretty much the same as before down there!
I wasnt left with a bucket if thats what you mean ;) LOL
:rotfl: ...nicely put!
DebbieM said:
Also, I still have this weird feeling when I do a wee - like pressure. It's odd but not an issue.

Deb- I get that- I think it's weakened pelvic floor muscles- try doing the exercises again- see if that helps?
i had a 2nd degree tear and it took about 4 weeks to heal properly, although i still have a small tear by my bumhole that keeps reopening :?

sex still hurts now tbh - i feel much tighter than before though! hopefully a bit of action on a more regular basis (now connor's in his own bed at the start of the night) will mean that things go back to normal soon :lol: :lol:
i didnt have any stitches or anything, but it still doesnt quite feel the same down there :?
flowergirl said:
DebbieM said:
Also, I still have this weird feeling when I do a wee - like pressure. It's odd but not an issue.

Deb- I get that- I think it's weakened pelvic floor muscles- try doing the exercises again- see if that helps?

My pelvic floor is great! No problems there. I think it's where Luke came out sideways.
I had a small second degree tear and stitches. I felt swollen but it never really hurt. Had sex 2 weeks after giving birth and it didn't hurt or feel different :cheer:
Def not the same! Im all healed fine now but ive got a stitch scar at the uuuh bottom bit of the hole :oops: :lol: haha im so technical!!!

i dont understand where the term you must be a bucket after a baby comes from coz if anything its tighter from where i was stitched. certain sexual positions didnt hurt at all before but are now uncomfortable due to being tighter! lol waaaaaaaaay tmi!! :rotfl:
for the first few days it gaped open (sorry!)

when i first went back to cleaning it with a loofah-gloved finger inside i noticed it felt looser- i remember posting on here "it used to be like putting my finger inside someone's mouth who is sucking on it- now its like putting my finger in someone's mouth who's asleep!" LOOOOOOOL
this was about 4-6 weeks after the birth.

i just asked my boyf and he said "pretty quick" i think it was tight again after 3 or 4 months.

sex hurt like hell i tried less than 2 weeks post-birth tho too early! it stopped hurting at bout 3 months!

my boyf says im tight like virgin now

when i put a finger in it does feel like its beinbg sucked on again which is good, BUT i think the inner walls are thinner, coz now i can feel a bulge at front if my bladder is full, and a lump at the back if i need a poo! :rotfl:

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