

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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finally my sex life is resumed (long awaited!) since giving birth. we didnt use contraception as i'm breastfeeding, both MW & nurse said i wont b fertile or get periods but my mum said she did and i'm worried now!
does any1 BF and still get periods? and is that coz u feed formula also or do u exclusively BF n still get AF?
help! :shock:
If your Mum was breastfeeding on a timed basis, then it would be less likely to have a contraceptive effect. It's breastfeeding on demand which is supposed to do that.

Having said that, I have a friend who was breastfeeding on demand and still got pregnant. When she went for her 12 week scan it turned out that she was actually 21 weeks!
Erm my mum fell pregnant while she was BF me :shock: and she told me she got periods too, they were irrgular but she got them
I agree with all the others here. However saying that my periods didn't return until Ellie was about 9months. We didn't rely on that./
i still havent come back on my periods when i went to docs he and hv said its because im still brest feeding. I dont use any contraception :oops: i should really now tho as they could come back at anytime by the sounds of other bf mothers. Will he use condoms? xx

My period came back while breastfeeding Kiara around 5 months i think, but i know my doctor told me you still ovulate and can get pregnant again even without getting a period.
so some of yiou have periods and some dont.. i didnt think periods would be affected when breastfeeding.. god, im glad got the tie done now, i hate condoms and would be constantly worrying if i had fallen pregnant again!
It's not a fool-proof method by any means.
Some ladies do get periods, others don't.
If you don't want another pregnancy just now, use contraception.
we are going to go back to using the withdawl method afer this one.. we used it for over a yar before we started trying and never had an uhhuumm early accident, and as we are married we feel that this is a responsible enough method to use. hubbys great at it.. and it means i dont have to give my body hormones it shouldnt be having. - this methods not suited to everyone and obviously isnt guarrentted to work. but we feel is right for us. i will be breastfeeding.. but using this method too.
Im breastfeeding and have just got my period :( wouldnt have sex without contraception tho.
You can get pregnant again from around 21 days after giving birth, breastfeeding or not, so I'd think about getting protected if you don't want another new arrival :lol:
As for periods, I've not had one yet, and I breastfeed.
Il be using the withdrawel method too when im feeding however. It has always worked for me and I didnt get pregnant until i wanted too

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