Does it mean i will be a bad parent?

Thanks ladies well i have decided that if i can BF i will be BF'ing lol

My aunt felt the wrath of my gran last night because she is very pro BF'ing also and i have feeling that we wont be seeing her for a while as my nan basically told her that if another word is said on the subject she will persoanlly take the bottles out the wrapper and ram them down her throat. lol
just wanted to agree that the daddy bonding stuff is bollocks....

and wanted to say do what you think is best, whatever your decision you'll get lots of support on here!
Have only skimmed through comments but got the jist and agree with others...

Please PLEASE ignore EVERYONE elses negative comments and go with what YOU feel is right. I think someone mentioned Naomi I think theres no reason why you can't boob feed and then express a few feeds, you won;t feel like going out or having others take baby out straight away.

You have a little while to go, do lots of research maybe the booby pros can reccomend some teatime breastfeeding book reading so you know exactly what your dealing with...

Please also beware, as a new mother you will have every tom dick harry and sue (unclduing those without kids!) try to tell you whats best and whats not... Start ignoring it now, simply tell others you are doing whats best for you and your baby and if they don;t like it, like your mamma said they can STICK IT!!

I also agree with Urchin, there are lots of things Daddies can do to bond with bubba... :hug:

Best of luck :)
ignore any negative comments. you do what u wanna do. i wanted to BF and i stuck to my guns ignored the "oh they sleep better with bottles" etc comments.

there are pros and cons to both BF and FF, and neither are BAD for your baby and neither will make u a bad parent! and as for the mixed causing lowered immunity than exclusively one or the other comment, what a load of poppycock!

breast IS best and everyone knows that, BUT formula is a VERY good substitute and is ALMOST as good.

it doesnt matter as long as mum is happy and baby is feeding well and healthy! dont beat yourself up. as long as baby is getting milk thats all that matters- not what type of milk it is!

i kno what im on about iv done all three- exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, combined BF and FF for the next two months, then exclusive formula (well, with solids too of course) for the final 3 and a half months (she went onto cows' milk at 11 and a half months) and i can say that both BF AND FF have their difficulties! but both have their perks. big up both! jus enjoy feeding ur baby and watching LO grow :) :hug:
Just a quickie from a bloke's point of view... I don't feel like I'm missing out on bonding with my little boy just because his mum is breastfeeding. I change more than half of his nappies, talk to him and hold him when he's awake, and bath him when I get home from work.

I used to think breastfeeding would hinder the daddy/baby bonding process, but now I see it in practice it's definitely the best option for everyone.
Firstly, F*CK everyone else!! My God! You don't need ANY comments other than supportive ones. He's YOUR baby. YOU feed him how YOU want to feed him!

I'd just keep openminded. You might LOVE breastfeeding and want to exclusively BF or you might hate it and want to bottle feed - Who knows?!

Please whatever you do, don't feel pressured by people feeling "involved". Feeding is only one part of looking after a baby, your OH and family can be involved in other ways, like cuddles and nappy changing etc :roll: Grrr it really annoys me when so much emphasis is put on people feeling left out! That's their problem, not yours :hug:

My Dad put so much pressure on me to express so he could feed Miss Evie. :wall: But I stood my ground and carried on breastfeeding her myself without expressing. :D

Anyway babe, what I'm trying to say is you do exactly what you want to do and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!! x
rocksyroberts said:
Just a quickie from a bloke's point of view... I don't feel like I'm missing out on bonding with my little boy just because his mum is breastfeeding. I change more than half of his nappies, talk to him and hold him when he's awake, and bath him when I get home from work.

I used to think breastfeeding would hinder the daddy/baby bonding process, but now I see it in practice it's definitely the best option for everyone.
:clap: :clap: :clap: That's a brilliant reply! x
I agree, do whatever feels right for YOU. The doctors and Midwives were topping Sydnee up with SMA Gold from birth, initially because she low blood sugar. So I suppose in one way I was lucky as I had the support for combining breast and bottle feeding from professionals on hand right from the word go. Once I got home and settled I began expressing and have combined BFing and EBM more or less from the word go. From about 3 weeks she was on more bottles than breast, as she was so tiny and I have 'crazy boobs' that squirt jets about the room as I feed, so she was gagging and choking etc. It was hard work to begin with as I had to have quite a strict pumping schedule etc, and pump when she fed etc. It was my community midwife who was helping me, and I'm glad we did, as we weren't stressed any more. Our special few weeks were ruined by conflicting advice, constant worrying over what was 'right' etc but once I stuck my fingers up at the world and got on with it we were all so much happier. I could see how much she was having-a big worry as she was only 5lbs5.5oz, she was no longer gagging etc, I was happier feeding and my partner was happier I wasn't throwing 'wobblies' every 5 minutes!

Now that she's bigger we're back BFing more. She'll have two, maybe three bottles of EBM per day, the rest is from Mummy. It obviously worked for us as my 5lbs5.5 baby is now a whopping 11lbs 10.5oz, and is only 8 weeks old!

So I guess what I was trying to say, in my roundabout, gabbling kind of way, is do whatever you feel is right. Expressing earlier on is hard work, and whilst recommended you wait until after 6 weeks due to establishing your milk supply, it IS possible earlier. However, if for whatever reason whatever you're doing is upsetting you in any way, then change it. Once I focused more on enjoying the baby and less on doing the 'done' thing I realised just how amazing motherhood is.
I've been breastfeeding poppy for 6 weeks now and since the first day my milk came in I've been expressing at least one bottle a day of milk so that my husband can give baby her 10:30pm feed. Not only does it make him feel part of things it also gives me the chance to get to bed early if I'm tired.

All the other feeds during the day and night I've been doing myself and I've never had even a glimpse of a problem.

You need to make sure you are feeding the baby from the breast regularly or you will stop producing milk so don't do your method of just doing morning and night feeds unless you express in the day to keep up your milk flow.

Breast feeding is wonderful and a great bonding experience for you and the baby and in my opinion it's the best thing to do. I thought I would exclusivly express breast milk and bottle feed it to her but once I started breastfeeding I've never looked back and I love it now and I wouldn't change it for all the bottles in the world.

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