Periods!! BLAH!


Active Member
Apr 14, 2011
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Hiya Girls of PF...

Just a quick question... but does anyone have really painfull horrible periods?
I was on the pill but i've been off it now for a year.. and when the AF comes I will get discharge like a white creamy colour, doesn't smell or anything for a few days, then very bad back pain... and then the AF usually hits... she is awful I curl over in pain normally I take pain killers ibroprufen or asprin... But i'm not sure what I should actually be taking...I also get really emotionally down before she hits to and I cry so much and get so angry over silly things.. Any advice?

What are you periods like?

Sorry if this is TMI!!

Thank you....x
Hiya Cherry :)

Mine are different every cycle.

This one at the moment isn't so bad re the pain and cramps, but i've totally gone off my food.

It can be quite painful some months and i'll feel really angry and nauseous and sometimes my back kills me - but not to the point where i've ever had to take any medication.
Ohhh thats great that your AF this time is better (hope you don't have many more until your BFP!) Sending you lots of baby dust and sticky vibes...Mine is horrible I can literally cry, I have to take time off work becuase I can hardly move with pain :( Takes a good few hours for it to dye down and until it bares alittle... Hope its my last one (if I come on) :) If not then I hope i've got my BFP!! Fx for us both and all the other girlys ...... x
I get really bad ones every third month or so. I swear by Feminax - I was always against drugs for period pain, but when I was on the pill it was NOTHING compared to what it is now. That stuff is amazing. It can have me back on my feet in an hour or so.

Also some months I'll just break down, sit on the floor where I am and cry my heart out and I have no idea why whereas other months I'm like a normal person right the way through. It's so weird. I found it hardest in the first year after coming off the pill as I just wasn't used to it and what it all meant, but now I know the signs
Did you find being on the pill better? - where your periods bad before you want onto it? I've had horrible periods so so bad since coming off it but will all be worth the BFP... x
Heya Cherry :).. My period pain was so bad i got brought to hospital!! Tablets would not work, id be in bed doubled over in agonising pain in bed till i fell asleep and thats the only way the pain would go.. Id always get sick or nearly faint.. But now there not so bad.. How about taking feminax? There for period pain xx
My periods have been horrific since I had children. I had the coil until recently, this didnt effect af either way. I have bad lower back pain, and right down my legs. It lasts around 4 days and I wear both pads and tampons for 3 out of 4 days as the flow is tooo heavy for either protection on its own. I get a spotty chin, aching boobs and a bloated stomach. OH knows when af is on the way as I pick at him all day long - really nasty to him xx
Oh no... mine are like that but i've never gone to hospital with it... I will try them but sadly not going into town for a few days so I if it comes will just be the normal crying I hate it mood.... :( ahhh bad times... but I have to stay positive and think one less to a BFP! .... x

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